A Restless Sleep

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That night Link couldn't sleep peacefully. Every time he dozed off he woke up again, burning up and sweating, the taste of Rhett lingering on his lips and his heart skipping beats. When he fell asleep he would be right back in Rhett's arms, against Rhett's hot steamy body. And Link would try and rub himself against Rhett, try to get enough but couldn't quite get there, because just as Link was starting to feel pleasure he would wake up, frustrated and panting. Link knew he couldn't give himself the pleasure that Rhett could bring him. Link was hungry with want, with need. Dripping sweat poured down his face, moistening his lips that were swollen with need, need to be pressed firmly to Rhett's lips. "Oh Rhett...oh my sweet Rhett." Link said in a breathy, panting voice as he tried to rub his hands on his shirtless body, trying to pretend it was Rhett's hands coming to the rescue to take him away from this incessant torture. "Rhett!" Link screamed allowed. Link couldn't take it anymore. He was going to go over to Rhett's house and beg for what he wanted... what he craved, and needed. He was going to fall on his knees and beg for mercy, beg for Rhett to take him into his arms and make sweet and passionate love. Link got into the front seat and drove...quite fast...to Link's house. Link practically ran to Rhett's front door, nearly tripping along the way. Link frantically began ringing the doorbell. He also began to knock loudly on the door. "Rhett!" Link shouted. When Rhett didn't answer the front door Link decided to call him on his cell phone. Link could hear the cell phone ring from outside the house. On the phone he got through. "Link, what is it?" Rhett said, tired and hoarsely. Rhett's sleepy voice made Link flush all over. Link thought he sounded so sexy. "Oh Rhett, I need to be in there with you. I need you so bad, I need to be close to you." Link began, frantically. "I want to be as close as I can to you, in your arms." Link continued. There was a pause on the other line. "I'll let you in." Rhett said, calmly. In a few minutes the front door creaked  open, and there stood Rhett in his pajamas, looking tired. "Oh Rhett!" Link exclaimed. He rushed to Rhett and put his arms around his torso. Link began to cry. "Please Rhett, I need you so bad! Please take me! Throw me in the bed, do things to me, whatever you want to do, you can do it. I just need you. I need you so bad." Link fell on his knees dramatically. Link wept at the feet of the tall man, with his head down, his beautiful black and grey hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. Rhett was amazed, stunned. He watched Link for a few moments, as he was on the floor looking so desperate. Rhett reached down and softly ran his fingers in Link's soft, black and white skunk hair. "Baby. My baby." Rhett said softly. Link looked up. Rhett bent down and lifted Link's skinny body up into his arms. "Time to carry you over the thread hold, huh Link?" Rhett said with a wink. Rhett carried Link down the hallway and into his bedroom. Rhett carried Link to his bed and laid him down in it. Link's heart was beating so fast, and his face was still pink from crying, and his eyelids were swollen and his beautiful blue eyes were glassy. "First we have to get rid of those tears, baby." Rhett said to Link softly. Rhett kissed away the tears that rested on Link's sweet face. "There there, no more tears." Rhett said. Rhett kissed Link's soft lips.

Link's whole body felt like a fire cracker. He felt like he was about to explode from every touch from Rhett, every kiss felt like a strike from lightening. "Rhett." Link sobbed out. "Rhett, get closer to me. I need you close to me." Link begged. Rhett got close to Link. He began to kiss Link's lips. "More kisses, more kisses." Link choked out. Rhett obliged and kissed Link more, kissed his face, kissed his little nose and his swollen mouth, kissed his eyelids and kissed the top of his head. Rhett wanted to be gentle with Link, especially right now because Link was so fragile and so emotional. "Where else would you like to be kissed?" Rhett asked Link. Link was having trouble forming words, he was so off in another place, so far into whatever world Rhett was creating with his mouth. "Anywhere. My gawd anywhere. Do anything you want. Dominate me. Have me. Take me, Rhett. I'm all yours. I always have been. For thirty years I've been yours." Link said. Rhett placed his hands tenderly upon Link's neck. Rhett began to softly kiss Link's neck, as well as softly stroking it with his finger tips. "That feels so nice." Link said, breathy and panting. Rhett let his fingers softly drag down from Link's neck across his t-shirt and down the middle of his torso. "Let's take off that shirt." Rhett said. "Is that okay, Link?" Rhett asked. "Yeah Rhett. I need you so bad. I want you." Link said, raspy. Rhett pulled off Link's t-shirt. Rhett began to kiss Link's hairy chest, his tummy, all over his torso. Rhett kissed all the way down to Link's very sensitive lower belly, which made Link's back arch. "Rheeeett! Rheeettt yeaaah do that more!" Link said out loud. Rhett could tell Link really liked that, so he put more soft, intentional kisses right there on Link's sensitive lower belly. Link spread his legs so that Link could get in between them for better kissing access. Rhett moved up between Link's thighs and placed longer, more intimate kisses right at the hem of his boxer briefs. Link only speaks in moans now, and in broken words of an indecipherable nature. Link seemed to be in a haze, only mumbling and groaning as Rhett pleases his need for contact. Rhett tugs down a little at the hem to reveal the soft, tender patch of skin right above his groin. Rhett brushes his mustached lips lightly on the soft skin making Link moan in pleasure. Rhett drug his lips across Link's sensitive flesh making Link squirm. Rhett grins. Rhett reaches up and holds Link's pale wrists to the mattress flat, before continuing to kiss some of Link's most intimate body regions. Link gasps out air and inaudible phrases. "Mmmm-mmmhmmhm." Link moans, as Rhett gets closer and closer, teasingly to where Link needs his lips most. "Uhhh Rhett I can't take it. You've gotta...please....pleaaaase." 

"Oh, you like that Link?" Rhett teases. "Linky is kinky?" Rhett says grinning. Link feels himself getting hotter, as if he could. "I like that so, so much Rhett." Link groans. "You know just how to make me feel good." Link admits. "Is Kinky Linky ticklish?" Rhett muses. Before Link can answer Rhett lets go of Link's wrists and slides his fingertips down Link's arms and all the way down Link's tender sides at the same time. Link begins to giggle. Link's giggles fill Rhett with happiness. Rhett takes one hand and uses it to hold both of Link's hands together above his head. Rhett then uses his other hand to tickle Link's tender belly. Link writhes as Rhett tortures him with light strokes of his fingers. Link's giggles become high pitched. "My Kinky Link likes me to tickle him?" Rhett said sweetly. "Linky does kind of like the tickle-tickle." Link said, in third person. "Ohhh Linky does like the tickle tickle, well then." Rhett teased. "He'll just have to have some more." Rhett held down Link's hands more firmly this time and rose over Link. "Tsk tsk tsk..." began Rhett. "Link is kinky kinky kinky...and mine...and beautiful." Rhett said, staring into Link's sea of blue eyes. "Kinky Link is all mine." Said Rhett. "And I will kiss my Kinky Link, and I will hug my Kinky Link, and I will tickle tickle tickle my Kinky Link all I damn well please." Link's heart fluttered at Rhett's sweet words. Mine. Thought Link to himself. He said I'm all his. Link's eyes started to get teary. "Rhett, is that true?" Asked Link tearfully. "Am I really all yours? You used a possessive?" "Yes, yes, yes Linkster." Rhett began with a giggle. "You are all mine, all mine mine mine. Forever. Always." Rhett said. "I will never leave your side, my baby, my universe. I will never leave your side, I will never stop loving you, I will never stop staring into those blue eyes every morning and telling you, my sweet Kinky Linky how much I love you." "Aweee Rhett..." Link began. Link was overcome with emotion and tears began to stream from his blue eyes. "Awe Rhett.." Link tried to speak again, but his words were shushed by Rhett's lips on his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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