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"What the hell?!" Beomgyu's eyes widen as he scoots back on the bed. "Why are you afraid of me?" Yeonjun tilts his head, pouting a bit. "I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just here to make you happy." Yeonjun smiles, reaching his hand out to touch Beomgyu's head. The blonde boy slaps Yeonjun's hand away. "I-I don't even know you like that, thanks for your help, but I need to go." Beomgyu gets up only to be pulled back to the bed. Yeonjun pins him on the bed, both of his arms on either side of Beomgyu's head. "You can't, you need to rest, you hit your head pretty hard." Beomgyu pushed the blue-haired boy off of him, trying his best to hide his faint tint of blush. "I'm fine, I just want to go home, so I can rest." Beomgyu gets up once more. "Thank you for your help." 


At home, Beomgyu throws himself on the bed. "What the hell was that." Beomgyu remembers what the boy said and what he did. He just met the guy and he already got pinned down by him. "I should call Soobin." Beomgyu sat up and pulled out his phone, dialing his friend. "Hey Soobin." "Hey, what happened? This guy with blue hair said you went home early." Great. "I- I um, I didn't feel good today so I went home, sorry for worrying you." Soobin chuckles. "Its okay, want me to cover today's shift?" "If you can, that would be great." Beomgyu looks up, almost choking on air. "Um, Soobin, I-I'll call you back." Soobin hummed in response. Beomgyu quickly hung up, dropping his phone on the bed, standing up. "How the hell did you get in here?" Beomgyu took a couple a steps back, before his back hit the wall. "I can appear anywhere you are, only if you think of me." Beomgyu gulped, beads of sweat rolling down his face. "What do you want from me, Yeonjun." Yeonjun chuckled, walking closer to the scared blonde boy. "I was sent here to make you happy, remember when you went to see Jungkook and Yoongi?" Beomgyu nodded slowly. "Yeah, w-what about them?" Yeonjun sighed, now face to face with Beomgyu. "They created me, and now, they gave me life. And now, I am alive, for you." Beomgyu's muscles loosened. "H-How do I know you're not lying?" Beomgyu still didn't believe what he was seeing. How does a fictional boy from a book, come to life? "Let me take you to them, they will tell you the truth." Beomgyu hesitantly agreed. Yeonjun smiled, grabbing Beomgyu's hand. Blue and white petals swirled around the two boys. The next thing Beomgyu knew, he was in a classic-looking home. "Where are we?" Beomgyu looked around and then at the two boys intertwined hands, quickly pulling his hand away. "We are at my creators home." Yeonjun walked away, Beomgyu following shortly behind. "Mr. Jungkook, you have a visitor." Yeonjun cleared his throat. "Bring him in Yeonjun." Yeonjun opened the office door, gently bringing in Beomgyu. "I had a feeling you would end up coming here." Jungkook stood up, bowing to Beomgyu, the boy doing the same. "Have a seat, Yeonjun, you may leave." Yeonjun bowed. "Of course sir." Yeonjun turned and left, closing the door behind him. "I'll answer any questions you have, go ahead." Beomgyu sighed shakily. "How did he become real?" Jungkook fixed his blazer, pushing up his glasses. "Well, Yoongi and I, have the power to bring characters from our books, to life. Do you remember what you said to us yesterday?" Beomgyu nodded. "We thought, if we brought Yeonjun to life for you, you would, be happier, you understand?" Beomgyu looked out the crack of the door. "I understand, but why would you do this for me?" Jungkook cleared his throat, sitting up in his seat. "Like I said earlier, we wanted to make you happy. We wanted to make your wish come true, since you liked Yeonjun." Beomgyu smiled softly. "Thank you Jungkook, it means a lot. It just scared me because-" "You didn't expect it, I understand. When Yoongi came around, I was surprised, scared, and confused." Beomgyu's eyes widened. "Wait, you mean Yoongi was a character from a book too?" Jungkook nodded. "He was a character of my dad's, and, I fell in love with him. So, my dad brought him to life." Jungkook turned his attention to the door, Yoongi coming in. "Jungkook, I'm almost fin- Oh, sorry, I didn't know you had a visitor." Jungkook smiled. "It's okay Yoongi, you may come in." Yoongi closed the door and took a seat next to Jungkook. "Yeonjun started appearing?" Jungkook and Beomgyu nodded in unison. "Yeonjun, you may come back in."   

Yeonjun walked through the door, he looked like an angel. "Yes sir?" Jungkook stood up, as well as Yoongi and Beomgyu. "You'll be staying with Beomgyu, if that's alright with you, Beomgyu?" Beomgyu smiled. "It's alright, he can sleep with me." Jungkook grinned softly. "Great, I'll go help Yeonjun pack." Jungkook walked away with Yeonjun. "He'll take good care of you Beomgyu, he really will." Yoongi patted Beomgyu's back. Beomgyu nodded in acknowledgement. 


"I hope you take care of him Yeonjun, he'll be counting on you." Yeonjun and Beomgyu bid their goodbyes and left. They appeared back at the apartment building and sat down. "You can take a shower, I'll put your things away." Beomgyu went to Yeonjun's suitcase and started putting clothing up, while Yeonjun went to the bathroom to shower. After a good minute or two, Yeonjun walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging dangerously low. Beomgyu quickly covered his eyes, pointing to the closet. "Get you clothes and go back to the bathroom!" Beomgyu squealed, throwing himself down on the bed. "Sorry Gyu." After Beomgyu heard the door close, he slowly moved his hands away from his face. "Aish! What's his problem?" Beomgyu mumbled, running a hand through his hair. "I'm done." Yeonjun opened the door and walked out without a shirt. "Ack! Why don't you put on your shirt?!" Yeonjun chuckled. "Fine, I'll put it on." Beomgyu peaked at Yeonjun. 'Not gonna lie but, he's kinda hot in person'. Beomgyu thought. Yeonjun laid down and snuggled the plush dog that was on Beomgyu's bed. "Hey Beomgyu-." Soobin walked in, stopping at the door frame. "How-." "He doesn't have anywhere to go and I told him he could sleep here." Soobin closed his mouth and nodded. "So, What's your name man?" Yeonjun smiled and sat up. "My name is Choi Yeonjun." Soobin's mouth opened once more. 'W-Wait, from like, the book?!" Yeonjun tilted his head. "No, it's just a coincidence. He's an exchange student. He was born here but he moved to, America." 'Yeah, like he'll believe that'. Soobin glared at Yeonjun and then at the sweating, Beomgyu. "Okay then, I just came in here to tell you I'll be at Kai's tonight." Beomgyu let out a sigh of relief. "Got it, have fun and use protection, don't be to rough." Soobin's face glowed a bright pink. "Whatever, just don't get it down with the new kid." Soobin laughed, running out of the door. 

"He's so dead when he comes back."  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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