Chapter One

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Its late at night when Yang and Ruby arrive at a local bar in downtown vale. Yang trudged her way into the bar with her head held low and her feet shuffling across the floor, Ruby shakes her head and leads Yang over to the counter where she orders a strawberry sunrise for yang and just a plain old beer for her self.

Yang laid her head down on the table groaning as she slumped in her seat. The reason why Yang was sad is because she found out that a certain heiress named Weiss Schnee, the object of Yang's affections, was dating her roommate Blake Belladonna. Yang had been in this state ever since and Ruby decided that she was going to take her big sister out to the bar hoping that the blonde would find someone to hang out with and forget about this whole ordeal.

"Yaaannnggg, you've been like this all day! Drink some beer, get wasted, bang someone i don't care just stop being a lump of depression" Ruby whined before their drinks arrived

Yang lifted her head up and groaned at her sister "Ruby I love you and i'm glad you're trying to encourage me to not be like this but its just hard, besides you don't like anybody so you don't know how it feels to have your heart ripped out and shredded into small pieces" Yang explained before chugging her drink tell it was empty

Ruby smacked her sister on the arm "shut up! I could like someone if i wanted to I just choose not to" Yang gave Ruby a know-it-all look "okay fine I haven't found anyone i like yet, but that doesn't mean that you can act all sad and mopey because Weiss rejected you"

"Yes I can Ruby I have every right to be sad and mopey" Yang stated

Ruby shook her head "nope! Your not aloud too, as your younger sister it is my responsibility to take care of you and make sure that you don't get sad"

"Whatever you say Ruby" Yang ordered another drink

Ruby tapped Yang on the shoulder "excuse me? Have you seen a tall blonde with tan skin and goes by the name Yang Xiao Long because I can't find her anywhere"

Yang chuckled and ruffled her hand through Ruby's hair "very funny sis"

Ruby smiled and hugged her sister "there's the Yang I know"

Yang and Ruby talked for a little while occasionally laughing at a joke or a pun that one of them made. When the talking died down Yang started to notice Ruby eyeing up some girl in the corner with long black hair that falls over one shoulder and fiery red eyes. Yang chuckles "go on rubes"

Ruby got pulled out of her trance when Yang spoke to her "what?"

Yang smiled at her and motioned her head towards the girl Ruby was just looking at "Go and talk to her it's obvious you like her"

Ruby shook her head "I couldn't she seems too good for me she also looks older than me anyway"

Yang pushed Ruby off of her chair "I don't care you're going, this is the first time i've seen you interested in someone so I am making you go over there and talk to her"

Ruby sighed knowing that there was no way she could herself out of this so she gave her sister one last look before she made her way over to the woman of her affections.

The woman looked at Ruby as she made her way closer, smirking she turned all of her attention over to the girl and decided to speak before the girl could utter a word "looks like a stray puppy has come to play~"

Ruby's face turned bright red and she fiddled with her hands, Ruby stared at the ground nervous beyond belief 'say something you idiot!'. Ruby finally looked up into the girls eyes and spoke "My name is Ruby and I find you really pretty!"

The black haired woman smiled at Ruby before giving her a response "Thanks for the complement, my name is Cinder" Ruby returned the smile and Cinder could swear it was contagious because she couldn't stop smiling at the girl "come sit down beside me"

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