chapter 5

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Dixie's POV
I woke up and tried to stretch, but I was stopped when I hit something at my side. I turned my head to see Addison staring at me. "I like your face" she said as she started to smile, I laughed. Honestly I completely forgot that I had stayed at Addison's house, I must have slept hard. When I was awake enough I immediately reached over Addison's chest and grabbed my phone to text Charli and tell her I was okay, knowing she was probably really worried that I hadn't come home all night, and forgetting that Addison had already told her last night. I felt a hand over mine, so I looked over. "I told her" Addison said knowing exactly what I was doing. I smiled now recalling most of what happened last night. I remember how warm I felt being around Addison, I don't know how to describe it, but it seems to me like her and I are gonna be best friends. In all honesty it feels kinda strange that I've only know her for such a short amount of time and I already feel like I've known her for ages. It makes no sense I normally hate all my sisters friends, their always so inmature, and I'm not the type of person that gets along with others.

Addison's POV
I was just laying in bed thinking about everything that happened last night, Dixie was laying beside me she looked lost, like she was thinking very deeply. "Dix?" I said trying to get her attention, but she didn't respond, she didn't even look at me. "Dixie" I said again tapping her on the shoulder, she flinched and looked at me slightly confused. "Yeah?" she said quickly snapping herself out of her thoughts. "You good?" I said showing my concern "oh yeah i'm fine just thinking", she said smiling a little. "Alright" I said sitting up in the bed. "Did you sleep okay?" I added, "Actually it's the best i've slept in years" she said laughing. "Glad to hear", I replied, placing my head on her shoulder. I was still incredibly tired, but I was also incredibly hungry, and hunger will always be superior. I got up off the bed and walked over to my dresser, I grabbed a hoodie and threw it over my head. Dixie was still wearing the hoodie I gave her yesterday. "Hungry?" I asked, she immediately looked over at me with wide eyes, "Yesssssss" she yelled, exaggerating the "s". We then made our way downstairs to get something to eat, my mom was sitting on the couch in the living room. "Hey mom" I said smiling at her, "Hey sweetheart how'd you sleep?" she asked kindly, "actually really well" I replied. "That's great...and how about you Dixie?", she said turning her gaze over to Dixie. "I slept wonderfully, thanks for letting me stay" she said. "Of course!" my mom replied with a smile, "now go get something to eat you two", she added. At that we headed into the kitchen.


Dixie's POV
Later that day I had headed home. When I got home I was met at the door by Charli and her billion questions about what happened last night. "Nothing", I said honestly, "don't believe it", she yelled back pouting. I don't know what to do about her she's so nosy I wasn't lying either I don't recall anything she would care about happening, all I did was sleep over at my friends house, that's not a big deal. "You're nosy", I replied walking upstairs to my room, she followed, "absolutely not!" I yelled as she tried walking in with me, she sighed and walked to her room. I laid on my bed and slowly fell asleep.

Addison's POV
After Dixie left I was really bored. I started thinking about last night again, the way her arms fit perfectly around my waist, the way her breath felt against my cheek, and how her body intertwined perfectly with mine. It was enough to make the butterflies in my stomach erupt, I started to blush, I covered my face with my hands and rested them against my knees. Why did I feel this way, did her...? No way she's straight, and she's my best friend, if she found out it would ruin everything we had, and everything would go back to the way it started, she would hate me again. These feelings were probably just a trick my mind was playing on me, so I decided to ignore them. I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through my TikTok to get my mind off it. I was then when the most inconvenient thing happened. Dixie texted.

(unlock iphone to read)


Hi sorry I haven't updated in a bit, school is driving me nuts!! Apparently they canceled school for the rest of the year! BULLSHIT! I'm pretty unhappy, I mean it's whatever but still I miss my buddies! I'm gonna try and update more (I know I say that everytime but i'm trying) I hope your enjoying this because the next few chapters are probably gonna be juicy but torturous at the same time! tee hee! Anyway remember stay positive, stay safe, and always wash your hands! Love ya!
-Isabelle 🖤

📖884 words📖

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