Chapter 7

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Tamera's eyes burst open from the sound of the thunder rattling her window.

She rubbed her eyes tirelessly before she turned toward the window. That beautiful full moon was gone and now the sky was covered in ominous clouds that darkened the neighborhood.

Rain beat against her window as lightening lit of the night's sky. The wind whistled ferociously as the white shear curtains danced from the blow. Cool air stepped in, sending its breeze across her hot body.

Stretching, she climbed out of bed and dragged herself down the hall. To her surprise, she found her grandmother fast asleep, careless of the brewing storm just outside of of the house.

After using the bathroom, Tamera washed her face before she returned to her room and fell back into bed to get a much needed rest.

As she turned her attention toward the window, she found something to be strange.

At times, her memory would fail her, but this was something she was sure of.

The window; once slighty cracked to allow in a breeze was now wide open. Those gentle moves of the curtain were now spiraling out of control.

She leaped out of bed and shut the window, watching as a flash of light lit up the sky's night when she approached the glass.

As she took a step back, she noticed the water that had rained down on to the hardwood floor, creating a small puddle just below the window seal.

Reaching for the towel, she had prepared to clean it but something heart stopping had caught her eye.

Just beside the puddles of rain, were trails of wet foot prints that did not resemble her own.

Her heart was throbbing. Her mouth went dry. A huge lump had formed in the back of her throat as she traced the steps from her window to the far corner of the darkest part of the room.

She couldn't breath. She couldn't speak. Chills bumps erupted all over her body as she watched the pair of gloomy yellow eyes stare back at her from the darkness.

She felt as if she was suffocating. The little air in her lungs were gone and she could not breath anymore.

Things got light. The air around her grew thin. She wanted to scream to the top of her lungs but her body could not respond.

Lightened flashed through the window, casting enough light for her to see the silhouette of a something standing just a few feet away from her.

As she prepared to take a step toward the door, the world around her went dark as she blacked out completely.


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