Bird in the Sky

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I dream of being a bird in the sky. No, this is not the dream of freedom. This is not the dream to do as I please, or even the dream to do what I want when I want. Yes, those are all things that I desire, but note this additional meaning.

A bird in the sky flies high above us. When we are lost in this maze that we call life, a bird flying above us would be able to see every direction we move. Our right turns. Our wrong turns. The same damn corners that we sometimes find ourselves in again and again and again.

A bird in the sky can guide us. It can watch our every move. It can tell us when we are making a turn where we shouldn't. It can tell us when we have already been around a certain corner and what lies there. It can guide us out of this crazy maze sooner rather than later.

A bird in the sky is objective. It knows that what the person stuck in the maze wants, feels, or hopes are all futile. A dead end is a dead end. The way out is the way out. A bird in the sky knows no difference. This bird knows not to act out of emotion, rather, it knows to act out of reason.

A bird in the sky knows it's limits. Unlike Icarus, a bird will not stray too close to the Sun. A bird knows the distance from everything that it must maintain in order to keep its view. If the bird gets too high, then it will not know what to focus on. If the bird gets too low, then it will be too narrow-minded to see the full picture. 

Author's Note: I hope to be this metaphorical bird in the sky because one goal in life that I aspire to achieve is to become objective, without becoming robotic. As a reasonably, prudent person, I hope to not get my emotions unnecessarily involved in decision making. I have seen peoples' emotions (my own included) make situations worse, causing entire relationships to deteriorate. It is not until after the emotions have subsided that, and often not until after the damage is done, that we gain an objective view of the situation. But for this objective view, we see another side. A side that, had we seen earlier, could have saved a relationship.

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