Chapter 23

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Khalil POV

"Damn Av, that was quick" I said to myself. Avaa had already put herself to sleep and we'd been home for less than 10 minutes. So, I walked over to the bed and covered her with one of the loose blankets from the end of the bed as she let out a snore.

"Aye Lil where do you-" Jay yelled coming to my opened door, "will you shut the hell up, she's tryna sleep" I said to him.

"Awe my bad dawg, but where did you want the stroller and car seats to go?"

"Uh we can put em in the den because the seats will have to be put in the cars soon. Are we done that quick though?"

"Oh nah nigga. We've only cleared out my car, Rome's car still has a decent amount of stuff in it and we ain't even touched your car yet besides the stroller."

"Aight man lets go" I walked back out to the driveway and they had bags piled up behind Rome's truck. This is gonna be a bitch to put away. I jogged over there and scooped a bunch up; I slid some all the way up my forearm and piled as many bags as my hands would fit.

"Damn bro..."

"We still got a full car, I'm tryna get this done" I gritted out. In all honesty, these bags were lowkey a struggle to carry all at once, but I powered through it. I damn near ran to the house and up to the nursery. And when I turned around to go back for more, Jay and Rome were coming up the stairs looking just like I did a minute ago. They dropped their bags and we all returned to repeat the process and luckily with our method of clearing this car, we were done with Rome's car with one more trip for each of us. Now its time for my car- I pressed the button on my key fob for the trunk to open and I saw the boxes for the car seats still in there.

"I thought y'all got the seats" I said with a confused look on my face

"Oh nah, we took in the stroller together and left those there. That thing was fuckin heavy" Jay said, "but its rd, everybody can just grab one" he shrugged and went to grab one. Then me and Rome did the same and carried them to the den where the stroller was. Thankfully, there wasn't a lot of bags in my car because of the stroller and seats, so Jay gathered most of the rest of those while me and Rome got the diaper bags and the few remaining bags and carried everything up to the nursery. After putting that stuff down, we all went back down to the driveway.

"That everything?" I asked.

"Yeah I think so, but let me go make sure" Rome said jogging to his car to check and Jay did the same.

"You good!" Jay hollered from his trunk.

"Same here!" Rome added.

They made their way back over to me to say their goodbyes. Jay got to me first and dapped me up.

"Rd man, I'll catch up with y'all later, Bri is knocked out in the front seat."

"Yeah me too, Aden and Elijah are due for a nap." Rome said dapping me up.

"Rd see y'all, drive safe" I watched the walk to their cars, "oh shit I almost forgot, family dinner here tomorrow after church! It's potluck style and Avaa asked if Anya could make some greens and Bri some yams?"

"Avaa making request now?" Jay asked laughing out his window and I shrugged my shoulders, "if she was awake and down here, she'd say I'm carrying 3 babies and eating for 4" I said mocking Avaa making the boys laugh. I saw Rome ask Anya something, but I couldn't make out what it was.

"Anya said she'll make the greens!" he yelled.

"You'll get Bri's answer later!" Jay added, "I learned a while ago not to wake her up unless there was a personal or work emergency."

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