Chapter 17

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(Y/N)'s POV
Mr. Aizawa had brought me to a hospital in Tokyo because he 'had some connections in the area who might be able to help me'. However, shortly after arriving he had abandoned me in the massive building to have a conversation with one of the doctors. I sighed and rubbed my temple as I checked the time on my phone for what felt like the thousandth time. Much to my disappointment, only five minutes had passed. I peered down the hallway to my left and watched as the various doctors and nurses bustled around, all of them moving with urgency and purpose. A young doctor holding a clipboard gave me a strange look when he noticed my stare, and I hurriedly averted my gaze, feeling mildly embarrassed. My fingers rose to my neck and started worrying the chain of my necklace absentmindedly, as I glanced at the laboratory door behind me. Faint voices could be distinguished and the very dry, tired tone of Mr. Aizawa floated past my ears.
"She's got great potential, I'd hate to see all of that fall apart because UA didn't protect her well enough." I flushed at the praise, even if he didn't mean for me to hear it. I carefully rose from my seat and leaned my ear against the door to try and listen better. Unfortunately for me, it was at that moment that Mr. Aizawa decided to swing the door open, and sequentially bopped me on the nose.
"Oh for the love of-" I sheepishly looked up at him as he pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. He gestured half-heartedly for me to follow him into the lab, before turning away. I could just barely hear him muttering,
"Become a teacher, they said. It's so rewarding to work with kids, they said. You definitely won't be baffled by their bullshit day in and day out." I giggled under my breath before a sudden clap drew my attention, and I turned to see a doctor looking kindly at me. She moved forward to shake my hand, and I timidly returned the gesture. She introduced herself as Dr. Han, a friend and former colleague of Mr. Aizawa, before addressing the issue at hand.
"Ok! Your teacher has informed me of your situation, and given the circumstances, I have a few ideas of things that might help."
~Time Skip to Lunch The Next Day~
(Y/N)'s POV
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, picking at my rice with mild disgust.
I've formulated an antiserum so to speak, but given the fact that it's impossible to know what exactly the League used to disable your quirk, there's no way to be sure it will work. To be frank, this antiserum is simply a quirk-booster the government commissioned a few years back, that I've modified slightly to better fit your needs. In theory, if your quirk-bearing genes are given a power up, then by association your quirk should come back.
I scowled at the memory of Dr. Han's medical proposition, but mostly at the side effects that came with it. I had been completely on board with her whole plan until she told me I would probably lose my appetite. Can I really say this is worth it when I can't even stress eat? I miserably questioned myself, stabbing a slice of chicken angrily. Izuku, who was seated next to me, grabbed my hand gently and squeezed, ever attentantive to my mood. I turned towards him to see him giving me a concerned smile, with his eyes closed and his head tilted to the side slightly. I sighed quietly, before leaning my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes, silently hoping I could doze off for a while and leave my worries behind, if only temporarily. I felt Izuku shift his shoulder so I could lay more comfortably on him, and I smiled as I pictured his blushing face. Knowing him, I don't even have to open my eyes to know he's as red as Todoroki's fire half right now. Ever so slowly, as Izuku's nervously racing pulse dulled in my ears, and his breathing rocked me gently, I fell asleep on his shoulder. And for the first time in a while, I felt at peace.
Izuku's POV
I glanced down at (Y/N)'s sleeping face, memorizing the slight part of her lips as she almost imperceptibly snored, and the flutter of her eyelids as she dreamed. Sighing, I tore my eyes away and turned toward Todoroki, who was focused on his soba as if his life depended on it, but I could tell he had been watching (Y/N) and my interaction. I shoved down my irrational jealousy, well aware of the fact that it was uncalled for and highly unnecessary. However, that didn't change the fact that there was something I wished to discuss with him.
"Todoroki, I need to speak with you." I said, a determined edge hardening my voice. He slowly looked up at me with noodles hanging out of his mouth, rather comedically in all honesty. He slurped them up slowly before replying with a nod of his head, indicating 'go ahead'. I balled my hands into fists under the table, and steeled myself mentally.
"I don't know what happened between you and (Y/N) when you were kidnapped, but I think I deserve to know. The thing is, (Y/N) won't give me any information, no matter how much I ask, so, I'm asking you-" I paused, taking the time to release the tension in my fists and calm down, before rephrasing. "No, I'm begging you, please tell me what happened at the League's hideout."
Todoroki stared at me, silent, for a moment before turning to his soba and focusing on it once more. I tapped my foot nervously, albeit mildly impatiently, as he seemed to contemplate something. He broke the silence hesitantly.
"(Y/N) can never know that it was me who told you. If she asks, please tell her it was either Mr. Aizawa, or one of the other teachers." I widened my eyes in surprise as Todoroki suddenly rubbed his temples exasperatedly.
"I am so going to regret this," He mumbled, but I heard him just fine. I checked on (Y/N) to make sure she was still asleep, and reassuringly, she was. I looked back up at Todoroki and gave him a grateful smile.
"Thank you Todoroki, I really owe you one."
Author's Note
Ok, first of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 600 READS! I cannot express how happy and grateful I am, it really means so much to me. I really appreciate anyone taking the time to read my story. For the second thing, I have a Bakugou x Reader I'm currently working on that I'm trying to decide if I should release it along with this book, or just do it after this book is finished. I'd really love any feedback, so please comment and leave your thoughts! Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH, and I hope to see you next time!

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