Chapter 23

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(Y/N)'s POV
The sudden shout and slam of the door opening startled me awake from where I had fallen asleep in Izuku's arms. We both immediately leapt up from the couch, muscles tensed as we blearily looked around for the source of the commotion.
"(Y/N), I can get you your quirk back!"
I hastily turned towards the dorm entrance, and squinted at a panting Todoroki, who was holding something in his hand.
"What the hell are you talking about Todo?"
I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and yawned loudly, still trying to wake up.
He didn't just say what I think he did, right? I must've heard wrong. I shook my head to clear out the fog still clouding my senses.
"I got some help from Tou- I did some work and I have what you need to get your quirk back,"
He stopped his sentence short when he noticed Izuku behind me, but I got the gist that Dabi had something to do with whatever Todoroki was talking about.
"I'm going to need you to give me a better explanation right this instant Todo-" I narrowed my eyes at him, the temperature in the room dropping a few degrees as I turned up the intimidation factor. "-or I swear I'll never forgive you for telling Izuku I'm quirkless."
He froze suddenly, a flicker of guilt flashing across his features.
"You know?"
"Yeah, I know. You didn't exactly tell Fort Knox."
Todo turned an accusatory glare towards Izu, who immediately started trembling behind me, but I sighed and shook my head at the candy cane.
"And before you get angry with him, Izu didn't tell me you told him; I figured it out myself."
Not that he didn't make it easy for me, considering he cracked the minute I seemed even a little bit upset, I thought to myself as Todo huffed out a sigh and muttered a hasty apology. I rolled my eyes at his poor attempt.
"I expect free ice packs next time I injure myself during training, but that'll do for now. Besides, your snitching doesn't really bother me since YOU FOUND A WAY TO GET MY QUIRK BACK?!?!"
My voice rose as my excitement grew, and I bounced on my heels eagerly. Todoroki smiled ever so slightly at my expectant gaze, and he reached into his shirt pocket to pull out a tiny grey test tube. I squinted at it suspiciously, before realization dawned within me.
"Is- is that from the League?"
I whispered the question, a paranoid part of me worried about Todo's well being and that I would scare away whatever solution he had found. Izuku grabbed my arm at the mere mention of the villain group, and I quickly placed my hand over his elbow, rubbing soothing circles to calm him down.
"Yeah, it is. I pulled some strings, and managed to figure out that your quirk loss is related to your DNA structure."
Translation: You know my long lost older brother who turned to villainy and I reunited with when we were kidnapped, resulting in some very conflicting emotions while staying at the League? Yeah he told me all of this.
As I slowly processed the implications of what he said, a brilliant grin slowly crept across my face and I leapt out of Izuku's arms to wrap Todoroki up in a massive hug. He immediately tensed in my arms, before slowly relaxing and returning the embrace while my chorus of "Thank you!"s rang in his ears. I quickly threw out one of my arms and beckoned for Izuku to join our hug. He promptly took me up on my offer, and as soon as his left arm was wrapped around my waist and his right over Todo's shoulder, I started hopping around in circles, forcing the boys to follow my joyful bouncing. Todoroki's movements were stiff, but I appreciated his effort nonetheless, and Izuku was notorious for his poor dancing so I wasn't fazed when he stepped on my toes repeatedly. What did faze me however, was when five minutes into my hyper jumping a click resounded through the common room, followed by a flood of light and the sound of Mr. Aizawa's gravelly voice cracking from sleep.
"It's 11:38 at night. I am not paid nearly enough to put up with students after 3:00 pm. Therefore, unless I am provided with a reasonable explanation for whatever this is in the next thirty seconds,-" He paused, vaguely gestured at us, and rubbed his temple tiredly. "-I will make the three of you sleep outside." We winced immediately, and Todoroki bravely spoke first after a silent battle to see who would have to explain.
"Our apologies Mr. Aizawa sir, it's just that     (Y/N)'s going to get her quirk back, and we're very excited."
I internally cringed at the blunt delivery, but then figured if Izuku or I had tried to explain we wouldn't have even finished our initial apology before the thirty seconds was up. I shot a glance at Izu, who was shifting nervously and muttering under his breath about the correlation between a teaching profession and the ability to sense misbehavior. Sighing, I turned my attention back to our exhausted teacher, surprised to see him looking apathetic, and not pissed off as I had expected.
"I would ask for more detail, but given that that would mean delaying my sleep further, I'm simply going to give you permission to do what you need to do and try not to get anyone killed."
He gave us a curt nod, and walked off leaving us in stunned silence as I thought to myself,
I think that's the closest I can expect of a congratulations from him.
Coming back to my senses, I cleared my throat slightly and turned to the two boys beside me.
"You heard the man, we have permission. So Todo, what do we need to do?"
He turned to me and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
"It's actually not even an illegal thing for once; you just have to go to Recovery Girl and she'll help with the medical stuff. I kind of already did the risky part."
Izuku and I looked at each other, both a little underwhelmed with the anti-climax. Izuku simply shrugged his shoulders, a sweet smile gracing his lips.
"Well, on the bright side, there's no way anyone's gonna get killed so we can definitely follow instructions!"
I chuckled lightly at his statement, before pulling him to my side and placing a kiss on his cheek lovingly. I ignored his immediate blush and promptly turned my attention to Todoroki, giving him the most appreciative smile I could.
"Todo, I know you've been beating yourself up about this whole situation, and I know there probably isn't anything I can do to take away your guilt, but-" I stepped forward and grabbed his hands in mine. "-What happened was not your fault, and the fact that you fixed this for me, makes up for anything and everything. I promise."
He had been staring at our hands as we spoke, and when I squeezed them gently to gauge his reaction, he looked up at me with his lips curved slightly upward and something unreadable in his eyes.
"Thank you (Y/N). Your forgiveness means so much to me." To my surprise, the stoic peppermint pulled me in for a hug of his own volition. And as I returned the hug happily, I breathed a long sigh of relief as I thought to myself,
Everything is going to be ok now.
Author's Note
This chapter is a mess I'm so sorry but I felt like I just wanted to write something, so here's this. Also  just an update, until June 15 when I get my cast off updates will probably be spotty, but after that I should get back on track. Anyway, please feel free to comment any thoughts or suggestions, I love reading them! Thanks for reading!

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