Chapter 14 - She can't swim.

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So I managed to do another chapter, i hope you like it. I made Zayn's bit up just before I went to sleep last night! Haha...

Sorry about the ending, I needed something different to happen instead of all these fights...


Zayn's P.O.V

I stood there, watching her - the girl I would die for - fall hopelessly and unconditionally in love with my best mate.

It hurt, too much.

On the outside I showed no emotion, but inside;

there were floods from my endless tears, droughts by the constant pain that never ceased, winds by my loving words that meant nothing to her, and storms from the continuous desire I had to be close to her. To touch her, to kiss those lips that Harry had an endless invite to.

Natural disasters were destroying my body, these natural disaters were destroying my mind. Perrie helped a little, just talking to her took the pain away... but only for a small amount of time. Charlie was with me everyday. Her scent being so luring and so beautiful. She was literally destroying me, and she was completely and utterly oblivious.

I love her, but I'm not allowed to.

"Zayn! Come on mate! Let's go on the flume!" Louis shouted from across the pier.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." I replied, trying to snap out of my thoughts. But they kept whirling around my head.

Mel's P.O.V

I smiled to myself and walked away, knowing that my best friend was now the happiest that was humanly possible. Harry would treat her right, he just needed to get past the bit at the beggining. I've come to realise that the boys have to be sure that they are in love or at least want the girl as their girlfriend before anything gets into the press. Otherwise things get tricky.

As I walked over to Niall and Liam who were getting ready to go on the flume, I watched Louis walk a little further out and shout to Zayn. Beckoning him over. Zayn had been weird since I'd met him, when Charlie isn't around he's fine. He jokes about, causing mischeif with Louis, but then Charlie comes over and he's like a different person. He barely says anything and just watches her every move. When she's happy the tiniest smile appears on his lips but then it disappears as soon as his eyes stumble on Harry.

I wonder if he likes her?

I bet he likes her.

As Zayn replied to Louis I saw the way he tried so hard to tear his hazel eyes away from Charlie's face.

He likes her, but that looks so much more than just a little crush.

Does Zayn Javaad Malik love Charlie Louisa Elms?

But what's even more intriguing...

Harry Edward Styles and Zayn Javaad Malik love Charlie Louisa Elms.


I think World War 3, might just begin...

Harry's P.O.V

As I held my girlfriend, - oh it's so amazing to finally say that - I came to terms with just how much I loved her. The way her skin felt on my skin, the look of the little divot that formed on her lips perfectly, the way she's so weird yet so serious, how she just cracks up at anything. I love all those little things. I love her. I love my girlfriend.

My girlfriend.

I let her go and got hold of her hand, entwining her little fingers with my large ones.

We walked over to the rest of the boys and Mel who were screaming as they fell down the flume ride, their faces looking petrified yet excited.

Charlie's P.O.V

This was amazing.

I was Harry's girlfriend, he was my boyfriend. Wow.

We watched the other guys on the flume, I got bored after while with them going around and around so I ran to the edge, dragging Harry with me.

"Look at the sea!" I yelled, standing on my tip toes to see over.

"I know." He smiled, hugging me from behind and kissing my neck.

"Harry!" I giggled, as he planted kisses all the way up my neck.

"Hey guys! Vas happenin'?!" shouted Liam as they came over to us.

"That's my line!" Zayn shouted back at him, standing next to Niall and Mel.

"Where's Louis?" I asked.

I turned around and saw him sprinting towards me.

"AH!" I shouted and dived out of the way.

"LOUIS!" I shouted and everyone darted out the way.

Everyone except Mel.

He slammed into her, causing her to go flying over the edge of the Pier. It was like in slow motion and I watched as her face turned from shock to ready for impact.

Louis fell on the floor, looking dazed.

"MEL!" I screamed as I saw her flailing body decend into the cold, murky British sea.

Harry hugged me.

"Come on, let's go. She can swim, we'll go help her." He tried to comfort me.

Niall was about to jump in after her.

"NIALL NO! The current will just take you both, let's get to the shore and then wade in to get her." Liam explained.

Niall and I sprinted down the pier. We got to the shore and we both dived straight in, Harry following after me.

"Mel?! MEL! MELANIE!" I screamed, tears starting to prick up in my eyes.

"She'll be fine, the current isn't too strong. At least she'll be above water." Harry said.

"Know she won't!" I shouted.

"Why won't she?"


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