Different World

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Cover made by kperdomo07 .

I strongly recommend you watch the video above. It's inspiring and true. (In case anyone wonders, it's the official video.)

All we know

Left untold

Beaten by a broken dream

"Tam..." I coughed. I was of fragile constitution and wasn't very healthy. My brother was all I had left. "Tam!" My voice was urgent. I needed him. Now.

He finally woke up. "What is it, Linh?" He had always been the strongest. I had brains, he had brawn.


"Again? Linh, it's the third time this week." he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. But they're not. You know I can feel them," I added.

"I'm sure they're doing well. Your dreams are just dreams, nothing more. Why would our parents have anything wrong with them?"

"I don't know. This time, the dream was clearer, and much, much worse than the previous ones. They were..." I turned away and sobbed. "They-they hurt them. Badly. I could feel their pain, Tam. I experienced it."

"I'm cold." The tents they had managed to give us in the hurry of our departure were thin, and they didn't protect well from the elements. I could do the water, of course. Tam...couldn't help.

Nothing like

What it used to be

We missed our comfortable rooms at Choralmere. We weren't in need of anything there, safely surrounded by our parents. We had been happy. Something I didn't know since we were banished. Where we had had warm covers, we now had freezing sleeping bags. Where we had plentiful food, we could now scarcely afford to eat. Where we had had a loving environment, we now had...nothing.

We've been chasing our demons down an empty road

Been watching our castle turning into dust

Escaping our shadows just to end up here

Once more

"Tam, I can't. I know you're cold. You're not the only one. I wish I could help you but I can't. We can't backtrack again. It would hurt them too much. Mum and Dad don't deserve us. They deserve to have a good life without twins impacting and limiting them. Tam, they don't need us. We destroyed their lives. We got banished. We don't deserve them. They're too good for us, Tam, don't you see?" I was full-on crying at the end of my speech.

And we both know

This is not the world we had in mind

"No, Linh. I chose to be with you. I didn't have to come with you to Exillium. Nothing - d'you hear me? Nothing can change the fact that I had a choice and that I chose to be with you. I'll admit that I didn't expect these circumstances. But it doesn't change anything. Really, Linh. I promise. I'm your twin. It's my job to stay with you in all circumstances. And I don't agree with the fact that they're too good for us. I'm downright disagreeing. They protected themselves, not us. I love them as much as you do, but this time, it's too much. If they really cared about us, they wouldn't have let us leave."

"Or maybe that's why they made us leave. To protect us."

But we got time

We are stuck on answers we can't find

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