Day 1 (and info)

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Important info

JB-he/him #13-it/they/them

These are animal experiments

They can talk through JellyBeans esca

JellyBean is very young and uses happiness to cover up the pain of being in the laboratory for all his life

#13 understands human language and is very smart

#13 cant speak human but can do a weird screech like noise

The only named Scientist is Jacob he is very short he is only 5 3

#13 is bigger than a great dane (a lot bigger) Has green eyes, pink paw pads, white angelic wings, brown markings, and had a blue tuft at the end of their tail. Their appearance will change a lot!

Day 1

"It seems subject 13 is on track there were no hiccups in surgery." "Tell me again Jacob what was it a mix of?" Jacob replied, "Dog some raptor DNA, birds, and a lot of other animals sir" "What qualities will it inherit?" "It should inherit friendliness, being social, and should be the perfect pet, sir." Jacob anxiously said not knowing if it was true or not. "I will call someone to bring it to the holding cell stat. When it wakes up I will notify you." Subject 13 heard all of this and kept a steady breath just in case they checked. #13 was dragged to a cell with a tiny dog bed and a small dish of dirty water. #13 looked at itself and stretched, feeling the aching pain of not moving for the longest time. #13 noticed it had huge angelic white wings # 13 would test them out but the cell was too cramped. It also noticed that it had a gigantic tail the size of #13 with a blue tuff at the end. Compared to scientists #13 noticed its head was level to their chest. #13 decided to have a better look at the cell. It was tiny, had no windows but it did have a crack in the wall. It was huge something had obviously tried to escape. Before #13 got to investigate anything the scientist open the metal door and through a tiny kitten in with #13. #13 immediately stepped over to see if it was hurt. It had a huge slash across its leg #13 had a weird urge and acted on it, #13 licked it. What it didn't realize is the tiny kitten was terrified of it. So when it stuck out its pink tongue the kitten had scratched its leg. #13 jumped back and fully looked at the "kitten"; it had an anglerfish esca and was a weird color of baby blue. #13 through itself to the ground submitting to let the "kitten" know that #13 wasn't going to attack it. "What were you trying to do?" a scared voice said. #13 yelped and folded its wings over itself to "protect" Itself. #13 understood the humans with ease but this was different it was definitely a different language but somehow #13 understood. "Have you never heard someone speak to you?" the cat questioned. "Well, I did just get created today!!" #13 responded. "Ah shoot another one don't get used to your looks they'll go quickly." The cat sighed in a seemingly sad way. #13 looked at the cat quizzically "I used to be a normal cat but I got captured and tested on now but that doesn't matter too much once I escape I'm traveling around the world!" #13 asked what would happen to itself. The cat told it that it didn't know in a playful mood. The cat also asked #13's name #13 had no idea, so the cat (who later informed #13 his name is Jellybean) named #13 Auk and gave it They/Them pronouns since neither of them knew what gender Auk was. They decided to sleep because most of the staff went home and there was nothing to do. Auk had to sleep on the concrete floor because the dog bed was too tiny for them.

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