Blake plays Resident evil 4 part 1

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Blake POV

I was just getting done reading another book I had and it was better because I had the whole dorm to myself but when I was done I was bored.

Blake: What is there to do? Ruby is out buying cookies and weapon magazines, Weiss is with Winter, and Yang is well doing Yang stuff so. What can I do?

I than looked at my switch and then I got an idea.

Blake: I guess I could play a game. I'm sure there are some single player games.

I than started up the switch and started looking and found one that looked interesting.

Blake: Resident evil 4? Sounds like a horror game. I guess it could hurt.

I than started up and the screen went black and then it went white and a logo appeared saying "Capcom".

Blake: Capcom? They must of made this.

As it started up it showed like a man with a handgun running with a girl from a mob in a village.

Blake: Hmmmm I got to say the menu has a good menu. It really shows how this games going to be with it's grindy colors and creepy atmosphere.

I than pressed start and picked new game.


Blake: I have to admit that voice kinda freaked me out.

Thrid POV

Leon: 1998. Ill never forget.

Blake: What happened in 1998?

Leon: It was the year those grisly murders occurred in the Arylay Mountains.

Blake: Ok I'm interested.

Leon: Soon after the news was out to the whole world revealing that it was the fault of a secret viral experiment conducted by the international pharmaceutical enterprise Umbrella.

Blake: Umbrella?

Leon: The virus spread out in a near by mountain community Raccoon city. And hit the peaceful little town with a devastating blow crippling it's very foundation.

She could only feel sad hearing what happened to all those indecent people.

Leon: Without taking any chances the president of the United states an emergency plan. Exterminate Raccoon City and with that Umbrella was finished.

She than was shown a man in a brown coat with dirty blonde hair riding in a back of a car.

Blake: I like story and all but I really want to start playing.

So she press skip and was brought to where Leon was holding a hand gun which made her think of her Gambol.

Blake: So this person uses a handgun as well. I wonder what else they have?

She than pressed start and saw she had some handgun ammo and a first aid spray and also saw the guy's name was Leon.

Blake: Ok not much but it should manage.

She than started walking and saws some crows and then she got an idea. She aimed down the sights and shot a crow which left behind some money.

Blake: How is there money inside of that bird?

She than walked up to it and pressed A and see she collected 800 PSA.

Blake: 800 PSA? What's PSA and what can I buy with it?

She than walked up to a house but then saw a wagon and saw a wooden box. She walked towards it and pressed L to only pull out an knife.

Blake: So I have an knife. That can be useful.

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