Chapter two

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She leaped forward and killed the mouse in one bite. Satisfied, she thought, Milky's going to be so happy when I give her this!

She caught the mouse not far from twoleg place, so she padded through the several plants that led to Milky's fence.

When she emerged from between two fern plants she immediately spotted Milky. She was laying in the shadow of a bramble and looked up with happy eyes when she saw Darkwing. "Hi Darkwing!" She purred, stood up and stretched her lems.

Darkwing put down her mouse. "This is for you," She nudged the mouse closer to Milky and purred. "I just caught it, just for you!"

Milky looked at the mouse with happiness in her blue gaze. "Thank you so much!" She happily mewed. "This is going to be my first mouse!"

Milky sat down on her haunches and began eating the mouse.

When she was done, she sat up again, looked at Darkwing with her usual happy blue eyes and purred. "It was delicious, thanks again, Darkwing!"

Darkwing blinked, but winced when she spotted a pair of yellow eyes staring at them from the bushes. "Who are you?" Darkwing hissed at the yellow eyes, for a moment she was afraid that it could be one of her clanmates, but it smelled like twoleg. "This is my territory!"

The cat trotted out of the undergrowth and revealed a dark-brown she-cat with light-brown stripes. "You're not that good at protecting "your" territory, if you let kittypets in like that." She snapped

Milky lost her happy gaze and hissed at the she-cat.

Darkwing just looked at the cat. "But why are you here?" She repeated.

"I was hoping to find some prey, me and my mother are really hungry." The brown she-cat meowed. Now Darkwing noticed, how thin the she-cat looked and felt a pang of sympathy. "I can help you catch some prey, if you'd like." She hesitantly offered.

The brown cat nodded thankfully. "My name is Owl. It's really nice of you!"

Darkwing nodded friendly at Owl. "My name's Darkwing, and that's Milky." She nodded to Milky who looked more calm now.

"I'll show you a good place to hunt," Darkwing meowed. "Milky, I'm sorry, but I don't think that you hunt that much, do you mind staying here?"

Milky nodded, and for a moment Darkwing thought that she saw a flash of envy in the hairless cat's blue eyes.

Darkwing flicked her tail as a goodbye to her mate and went off with Owl to find prey.

Soon they were in a place in the woods where Darkwing had caught many mice and squirrels. "Here we are," She mewed. "Let's split up and try to find prey." Playfully she added. "Don't steal all the prey though."

Owl nodded and humorously flicked her tail.

Darkwing went in the opposite direction to Owl and caught a mouse and a vole, Owl caught a squirrel.

"Good catch." Owl commented when she saw the two pieces of freshkill dangling from Darkwing's mouth.

"So where do you want me to take this?" Darkwing asked through the fur of her freshkill. "And remember, that this is just now, another time don't go hunting in our territory

Owl nodded "Follow me." She meowed.

She led her to a little shack and through a dark hole into a little space that fit maybe four cats with faint light. A siamese she-cat was laying inside and looked just as thin as Owl, when she saw Darkwing she tensed. "What is that cat doing here?" She meowed.

"She helped me catch all this freshkill!" Owl purred.

The siamese she-cat simply nodded and eyed Darkwing as she put the freshkill in the corner of their den.

Owl led her outside the den. "Thank you so much!" She purred. "We really needed food."

"You're welcome." Darkwing mewed with a nod.

She said goodbye to the brown loner as she padded off, into the woods again.

"I thought you weren't coming back." Milky meowed as Darkwing drew close.

"We caught so much prey that I had to help her get it home," Darkwing answered. "Of course I came back."

Milky looked relieved. "Though, I have to go now..." She meowed.

"Oh okay," Darkwing meowed, surprised. "Are there happening anything special?" She asked jokingly.

"No, by this time, my twolegs wants me home..."

"Oh okay, I understand that." She purred. "See you later."

Milky nodded and jumped over the fence without saying goodbye.

Well, that sure was weird. She thought. She pushed away the thought though and went homewards.

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