◜Chapter 1◞ㅤ

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Arcadia Bay, Oregon.
The place on Earth in which, to Chloe Price, felt like the very end of the world. The place wrapped up in darkness, and mysteries nobody had uncovered yet. Mysteries that... frankly, she couldn't give a single shit about. She didn't care. Chloe just wanted out.

Arcadia Bay was hell for her. A place of loss, anger, shitty people and a seemingly increasing inability to have even a little bit of privacy. Every mistake and flaw would be exposed and ripped apart. By everyone. Even those you're supposed to respect, love and care for the most.

It was hard to do that when it wasn't returned. Like she had said to David, trust was a two-way street. And her mother had him chose to take a short cut, and leave her on the road alone, so they could be together. But... she didn't care anymore.

Not at all.

She had found her partner to drive down this fucked up road with. A partner in the angelic form of none other than Rachel Dawn Amber. The D.A's daughter, the school princess, the actress/model mix and... the badass best friend of herself.

Rachel Amber had it all. Brains, brawn, beauty, sass, love... Everything about her just screamed perfection, and it was hard for Chloe Price not to feel allured to her. Whether it was for the sense of adventure about her, or something running a little deeper beneath the surface.

Both of them had suffered. Chloe had faced the loss of her father and best friend. Rachel had faced longing for her mother, and hatred for the father she once adored. The two had been through hell, and came out on the other side with their hands joint, and grins on their faces, as though nothing else and no one else in the world mattered. Only them.

Because, to them, that was their truth. How they wanted to live. They had the drive to say fuck you to this town, and escape. When the time came. When it was convenient. Once Rachel was ready. Once... Chloe felt comfortable.

They had all the time in the world.

Until then, it was like any other day. Get up, get dressed, climb out the window or head out the door and bail. Didn't matter if her day started at 6 AM or 2 PM. Depends on what she was up to the night before that.

Not like she had anything to do. No school, no job. Just one person to focus on. And that was Rachel. Whom of which, she had been waiting outside of Blackwell to pick up for about 15 minutes. And... of course, Chloe melted when she saw the wide, unmistakable grin from the top of the stairwell, watching her make her way down them like Chloe was going to drive away and never return if she didn't jump in her rusty truck fast enough.

"Never." She thought to herself as she pressed her once lit cigarette against the rusty door and allowed it's the end to unceremoniously fall to the ground. "Not without her."

A promise she would never stop making to herself.
A promise she would never break. Even if it killed her.

"Don't break your ankles, Rach." She called out as she moved over to open the door for her, the signature Chloe Price smirk rising on her features as she did.

Of course, this was met with nothing but an amused grin from the girl who oh so gracefully hopped her way into the truck, having got used to her shorter stature getting in the way of an easy entrance.

"Oh, having the big, strong Chloe Price lift me into her arms to dash me heroically to the emergency room... whatever will I do?!" She said in comedically faux anxiety-ridden voice. A voice that, by no fault of her own, made Chloe want to double over in laughter, just because it was Rachel making the joke.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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