Meetup with the enemies

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~Scarlett's Point Of View~

After explaining many more facts about our high school encounter with.. Ugh that band we just got carried away with time and noticed that we were there.

"Oh my god, guys look how many people are lined up here!" Yasmine yelled excitedly

"Whoa" Was all I could say.

I don't know but you feel special once you know that people are there and look up to you, and spend their time on you. I just get this overwhelming feeling inside myself.

We all waved at them excitedly. We had just noticed that we were late and they had already started the signing. Well so far for our 'first time doing this impression'.

I didn't know what to quite do, what to say to the fans or anything of that sort. I guess just a 'hi' and a picture with a autograph would be ok. Wouldn't that be awkward though? I quickly pushed those thoughts and made my way out the bus.

All you could here is loud screams and shouts.

As soon as we got inside the building, we saw One Direction setup and Fith Harmony. Then it hit me when I turned around to find the jerks themselves 5SOS.

I quickly told to the girls to get freshened up before starting so we all made our way to the bathroom.


~Lucy's Point Of View~

I can't believe that I'm right there in front of those assholes.

Scarlett said that we should get freshened up so I quickly agreed and walked away, a little too fast.

"Whoa Lucy what's up with the rush huh?" Victoria asked.

"Uh-uh nothing just really need to use the wee that's all" I calmly said.

"Ok whatever" Victoria said obviously not believing me, but she left it.

After I was done I walked out of the bathroom to find a tall frame standing infront of myself.

His eyes glistened when he looked up at me. I quickly retracted my eyes staring down at the ground.

After a few seconds I started to walk away as I saw him trying to say something to me but he closed his mouth.

Gosh I hated them all so much..

Especially Calum.

~Scarlett's Point Of View~

After getting out the washroom I was making my way down the hall when I saw one of the boys.


What was he doing here?

I tried avoiding him to walk away but he stepped in front of myself.

What the hell?

"Hi Scarlett" he said snobbishly

"Jerk" I replied with a huge grin on my face.

"Please? Why do you hate me so much? What the hell have I done to you?" He spat

My jaw dropped. Is he that stupid?

"You know what you did. You broke my best friends heart and left it to rot" I spat back my words filled with venom.

He slightly chuckled. I gave him a death glare.

"Honestly it was just 1 kiss"

"One kiss can mean a lot and you my FREIND have no right to say that. And mark my words CALUM.THOMAS.HOOD I will have no regrets of killing you if you ever break her heart again? Do not test me or my patience because one day it will run out and I will kick you in the balls very hard and you will die".

I said, meaning every word and then left without saying another.

~Michael's Point Of View~

Whoa what a rush.

These fans are truly amazing.

Right now I'm heading to the wee to use it. That's when I see a small figure coming towards me. She's beautiful.


Oh no Scarlett

I've had the biggest crush on her in high school, but when the Calum problem came in, it ruined my chances. I acted like such a jerk, and I know that because she told me that I was one.

"Hi" I blurted out. Mentally face palming myself.

"Uh hi?" She gave me a fake smile and walked away.

Gosh I'm such an idiot.

~Scarlett Point Of View~

Talk about awkward.

~Victoria Point of view~

2 excruciating hours of signing. My hands are very soar. But it's only my first time anyways so.

When the last set of fans left we were to make a group photo with the other bands and groups. We were set in the middle with UGH. 5SOS. They were on our left. Then on our right was ONE DIRECTION.


I ran quickly to the furthest left so I could be beside them.

Oh my god

I am standing next to Harry Styles.

"Hi Victoria"

" H-Hi Harry"

"So this is your first time doing this yeh?" He asked

Oh my fricken god I am having a conversation with Harry Styles.



I was about to reply when I heard 2 very loud groans.


It was Lucy


"Can we switch spots I don't want to be here beside him" she whispered"

"Uh yeah sure" I quickly said

"Oh bye Harry" I smiled at him

"Bye Victoria" he smiled back

I just realized that the boys switch spots too, now I was standing next to Luke.

When the photographer was about to click the photo, Luke slithered his hand around my waist so it was in the picture.

"What the hell" I said shouting

"What?" He asked sheepishly

"Why'd you do that. People may think we're dating"

"Which we're not!" I quickly added.

He just had a huge grin on his face and I just wanted to wipe it off so I did.

I slapped him in the face.

His jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Victoria!" Diane called out.

"What the hell have you done"


Luke walked away from me and was rushed with ice.

"We will discuss this later girls, 5:00 be there" She said sternly


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