Exposed? (Part 1)

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~Luke's Point Of View~

Today was the party of the girls. I don't know why but I feel... Over whelmed? Excited? Freaky, I know.

Michael and I were currently getting ready when Calum comes in with a bunch of clothes along with Ashton.

"Whoa whoa what's going on?"
I asked curious

"Nothing, it's the girls party today so we have to dress fancy."

"W-wait, it's a fancy party?" Michael asked.

"But it's more like of a get together since it's just a couple of bands together yeh?"

"Well true but dress appropriately"

"Ok whatever"

I ended up changing into dark black skinnies and a plaid button- up shirt, along with a black beanie.

Everyone looked somewhat good and elegant.

We made our way to Ashton's car and hoped in. I was in the front, Ashton driving and Calum and Michael in the back.

We all looked jumpy.


Once we reached the place we all got out.

They had a huge house

We rung the doorbell and saw some movement in the house.

The door swung open and showed 4 girls with pies in their hands?

Next thing I knew was that my face had been filled with pie.

~Calum's Point Of View~


~Michaels Point Of View~



~Lucy's Point Of View~

I found out that my love for Calum had been nothing. Nothing but a 'relationship' to him.

I'm over him now, but to know when I was in love with him, he just thought of myself of 'another girl'

It started when we were finished making all the food.

We remembered Diane telling us to watch interviews, even thought it was pretty stupid we ended up doing it anyway.

The first few were the stupidest things of my life that I've ever watched, but then there was a yes or no question interview. They had paddles with 'yes|no' written on it.

"Have any of you gone 3 days without changing your underwear?"

Everyone showed yes.

"Ew gross" we all said in unison.

"Have you ever been in love?"
The interviewer asked.

My attention quickly diverted to the laptop screen.

Everyone said no. Including Calum. To top it off he had this face I can't quite explain, disbelief or like it was a joke.

Suddenly I felt a hand rubbing my back in like what comfort?

"It's okay Lucy it doesn't matter."
It was Victoria

Surprisingly I was alright. It was just the fact that I wanted revenge.

"I know, I'm fine. I just want.. Revenge"

"Yes that's the girl I know of" Scarlett said excitedly.

"Well I'm definitely kicking Calum in the balls now" she said

"No that's my job. And kicking balls is not a good thing, let's use the pies we baked yeh?

"Perfect" Yasmine said

"I call pieing Luke" Victoria said.

"Ashton" Yasmine called out.

"MICHAEL" Scarlett practically screamed on the top of her lungs.

I guess Calum was all mine.

We got ready and called Fifth Harmony and One Direction telling them to come a little bit early.

They were all here in our place.

"What's up with the pies" Niall asked.

"What pies. Any carrot ones!?!"
Louis said excitedly.

"No babe they're not ours they're for the girls." Eleanor said.

"Why" Zayn asked

I blurted out

"Oh this is gonna be good" they all said in unison, which made me a bit queasy inside.

We were basically all laughing till we heard the doorbell ring. We all settled down grabbed our pies and Yasmine swung the door open.

I was the first to use the pie, the girls following after. Next thing you know Scarlett has her right leg swing up and meet Calum's 'part'.

"Umghp" Calum groaned in pain.


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