Crush on you

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Violet's POV you and bakugo are in the hallway he's still holding your hand wich makes you blush. He notices that the two of you are still holing hands so he lets go of your hand and proceeds to say 'why...why would you stand up for me even when I hurt you why...why don't you hate me,why are you so nice to me you could have gotten vary hurt because of me' all you could do is say 'bakugo I' he cuts you off by hugging you,you where surprised. Your class mates where wired so thay sent shoto to find you two. Shoto haered your voice so he wa sgoing to say something but stopped and stared to run over to you and grab. You from his arms and said 'don't touch my sister got it' bakugo said no idon't get it explain why can't I touch your sister icy hot'.

Shoto. Just staed at bakugo with a angry look on his face 'sho stop it's fine' you said and he just keep staring or should I say glaring at bakugo and bakugo started to walk back to class passing by you and your hot head brother.back in class Bakugo slipped a note to you thank god the teacher didn't notice the note said [Meet me befor lunch we need to talk -bakugo ]

Befor you go to lunch you meet up with bakugo and he tells you that he has a crush on you and he like you where his girlfriend and over the pasted few months you stared to develop feeling for bakugo so you said 'of course I'll be your girlfriend' after that the two of you went to lunch.

It;s bing over a year since you and bakugo stared to go out and. The two of you where have a secret date night in his room when deku,shoto,kirishima,momo,ochaco,jiro,Mina went to bakugo's room to try to hang out with him but whene thay got to his room and opened the door thay saw you and bakugo kissing. The anger in your brothers face was equivalent to a valcono erupting and he immediately slammed the door shut so only you,shoto Andre bakugo are in the room the sand of the door slamming shut made you jump and stopping the kiss as fast as it started you looked up too see your brother.

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