III - Corruptor pt.1

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After Lilith finnished her training she was wandering Across the land helping people in danger. Once She arrived into small medieval like town And Walked into pub. ,,I am looking for job suitable of Warrior" Saíd Lilith after sitting at bar drinking glass of wine. ,, There Is a démon hidding on top of mountain near thé city " told her owner of pub ,, Kill it And you Will be rewarded nicely". Lilith was still tired from traveling So She rented a room to sleep untill the night comes. Lilith wentured out to climb through the mountains forest."This place reeks of rotten flesh.." as she arrived to the top of mountain she didnt see any enemy there, only rotting animal corpses. "wha...ew.." Lilith started inspecting the corpses of animals only to find that this wasnt a work of demon "The injuries are too clean to be by demon, they look pretty fresh accualy..the question is, why are they rotting, and who, or what did it..." a rustling could be heard from the bushes around. The wind started rising howling through trees, the corpses of started to melt into unrecognizable black goo. "What in the name of god is happening..." said Lilith quickly drawing her sword. The goo started forming into an unholy beast. The beast was 3 meters tall, covered in thick black fur, head of deer and arms of bear an abomination, blue flame burning on ithe back of its head. The beast roared and without a moment to prepared quickly slashed at Lilith. "what tha- FUCK!" Lilith yelped surprised by attack of the beast, and by the pain of claws slashing her across chest tearing right through her shirt. "F...fuck...you will pay for that.." Lilith said jumping back lining up with a tree. The beast quickly rushed towards Lilith planning to impale her on it anthlers, Lilith seeing the reckless attack of beast dodged out of its way making it ram into the tree. Lilith seen and oportunity to attack the beast and quickly moved closer and slashed its achiles tendon. The beast roared in pain before quickly striking Lilith with its backhand sending her flying into a tree. As Lilith hit the tree she could feel a rib o two breaking, she wa in pain but she stood up and wnet to fight again. The beast stood up, its tendon healed, leaped foward with another clawslash, This time Lilith was prepared and blocked the attack, the impact burring her legs into the ground slighly. "urght...youre a strong one ..i should start taking this seriosly huh?..." chuckled Lilit. The beast lifted its hand tfor another attack letting go of Liliths sword. "That was a mistake that will cost you your life, FURY OF SLASHES!" with a brave roar blade of Liliths blade started glowing as she started slashing at the beast at speeds nearly breaking the sound barriar, the preassure and wind created by the moement breaking ground arount them, beast was blocking the attacks for a while before its hands gave up and were severed. "WHY DONT YOU DIE ALREADY!" screamed Lilith while attacking the beast, for the first time she noticed the blue flames and got more concentrated on them then on attacking the beast, the beast took the oportunity and with a quick move kicked Lilith into air. with the impact of the kick she could feel one of the broken ribs puncturing her right lung slighly. "FUCK....arg..." Lilith stared down at the beast as she was sent flying...she had to come up with a way how to land safely or the fall  would be end or her quickly. after thinking she got an idea. "LANDING...LANDING OF THE ICE DRAGON!" ice crystals started forming on her sword as she fell down with a quick screwdrive like flip she slashed at the beast flames, the flames disapeard and lifeless body of the beast with frozen neck fell to ground Lilith falling on it the rib puncturing even deeper..even through she landed on the beast her femur cracked sligly it was hard to breathe and she was exhausted from the fight...she knew that her time is quickly running out...her vision bluring and her breaths getting shorter..she slowely closed her eyes accepting the fate.."This....this is it huh...at least..i died in a battle..." she cought out blood. She was thinking of all her friends..when her string of mind was interupted by slow clapping comming from one of the trees. She looked there seeing a black siluette walking towards her. "That was very impressive"the silluete chuckled "for a human, welll, as i can see that you are on verge of diing right now, i see that the village is now free for me to take, noone strong enough to defeat me" the siluate laughted again as it begun walking away....

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