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I need someone to walk into my life

Now I find myself praying to the stars

begging for a light-

someone I can live for

because as guilty as it makes me feel

my family is not enough

my friends are not enough

and I kinda hate myself

I don't want to be in love

I'm sick of losing people

I'm sick of being hurt

why is it all worth love

it makes me want to gag;

these desires of mine

the idea is surrounding me

haunting me

telling me to succumb

its making me melt

making me dizzy

But now, I think I know why;

I'm afraid 

afraid of falling in love


I said it

I'm terrified.

I want to cry and laugh 

choke and giggle

at the thought of this person.

Could you exist?

if so


I'm waiting 

Hoping I can last however long.

~I apologize for the hopelessly romantic rant

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