Chapter 2: History = Naptime

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Nicole's POV

When Marco and I arrived to class Mr. Moore said that he wished that he had a class full of Will's. Yey.... What could be better than that.

"I think I'm going to puke." Marco said while looking back at Will than he noticed Allie looking at him and asked "What are you looking at?"

"Come on, Marco. Let's take our sets." I signed to him. He nodded and followed.

Mr. Moore hands Allie a book which she laughed at.

"Is something wrong Miss..."

"Pennington. Allie Pennington."

"Ah! That explains everything!" Mr. Moore laughs.

"Everyone, please welcome Avalon High's newest student, Allie Pennington."

Everyone murmurs greetings to her.

"That's about all you're gonna get." Mr. Moore whispered to her.


"Allie's parents are professors of medieval literature at the university, and they also wrote the textbook we'll be using this semester, when we learn about King Arthur and his court." Mr. Moore explained to the class as he held up the textbook.

"Easy A!" Lance coughed and everyone chuckled except Miles and I who just rolled her eyes.

"Nobody asked you." Mr. Moore coughed back as everyone laughed.

I just sat back in my desk and signed to Marco.

"When this is over can we go to lunch?" I signed to Marco.

"Yes. We can, plus I'm kinda bored." Marco signed back.

"Marco, your always bored."

"True, but, you love me"

"That I do, babe."

"Miss Scott. Mr. Campbell. Are we interrupting something?" Mr. Moore said/signed.

The whole class looked at the both of us, Marco just gave them all an evil glare while I turn off my hearing aids, like I normally do when I am bored in this class and hide my face in his neck. We remained quiet for the rest of the class.

Mr. Moore rang his bell and said "Okay, first thing we're going to do is to break up into teams to write research papers. You'll draw your topics out of this." Mr. Moore held up a Knights helmet with paper inside and shook it up.

"Courtney, you're with Todd. The architecture of Camelot. Interesting. Will, you're with Karen."

"Can't I be with Jen?" Will asked pointing to his girlfriend.

"No, Jen is with Lance. Ah. How apropos. The sports of Camelot." Mr. Moore said to Will before moving on to Jen.

"Jennifer. The tragedy of Camelot. Your paper is going to be about the love triangle between King Arthur, his wife Guinevere and his best friend, Sir Lancelot. Ultimately, it destroyed Arthur and Camelot itself. Bit of a downer." Mr. Moore said as the whole class laughed and Mr. Moore moved on to the next group.

"Miles, you're with Allie."

"I'd rather work alone." Miles said to Mr. Moore.

"I'd rather be eating pineapple on a beach in Hawaii, but that's not going to happen either." Mr. Moore said sarcastically.

Miles sighed and said "Fine. I guess she'll do."

"Wow. Thanks." Allie said with sarcasm.

Mr. Moore handed the helmet to Allie and she put her hand in and pulled out a piece of paper.

"The Order of the Bear." Mr. Moore said as I looked up at him with a slight smirk.

Allie looked at it in confusion. "I've never heard of that."

"So much for the easy A." Miles stated.

"Ask your parents. I'm sure they heard of the Order." Mr. Moore simply said as he walked away.

Allie turned her head and noticed Marco and I looking at her.

Mr. Moore came to up to up as I signed "Do we have to do this?"

"Yes, Miss. Scott. Marco pick." Mr. Moore said as Marco reached his hand in the helmet and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Ah. Nimue. Nice pick." Mr. Moore said walking away from us.

Marco handed the paper to me and smiled when I saw what it was.

"This is going to be fun, my love." I signed to my boyfriend.

Marco just sighed and rolled his eyes as we walked hand and hand towards the cafeteria.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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