Time for truth

247 5 2

So you know how I said they all had to reach 20 votes to get this book to happen?

Haha haha. I lied. If one of them was anywhere around ten or more, it was going to happen. So sorry about lying, but what's the fun in the reward if you don't try the task. So I hope you're happy with this book of fun facts, Easter eggs, character information, and more. The chapters that follow will be up to you. I will have some prewritten and others not. The chapters will mostly be short, with a few exceptions. Such as explaining their worlds.

With all of that being said, depending on how the stories do on Wattpad, I'm going to spread them to other services such as Ao3 or FanFiction.Net, but this little thing will stay on Wattpad.

Comment what you want the next chapter to be and the most popular idea will be the next chapter. See you all soon


Words: 163

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