Why I love Nicktoons Unite!

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As a kid I have always enjoyed the wonderful adventures in Crossover before it got played out and everybody is getting sick of Crossover games.
When I was young a watched all four cartoons, Danny Phantom, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, FairlyOdd Parents, And Everyone's all time favorite of course SpongeBob SquarePants.
Of course Danny Phantom and Jimmy Neutron ended long before I even learned the words Cartoon Finale or Cancellation, So I vaguely remember these cartoons.
Of course I could never forget the Crossover Of Jimmy Neutron and Timmy Turner the first ever Crossover cartoon that lit up my world of cartoon heroes.
It was so awesome that I found it again after so many years, I was watching FairlyOdd Parents on Netflix back when Netflix was young, browsing through episodes.
And there it was the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour, I was Nine And now I could understand what the Crossover was about now and I wished I was there.
And that was the same time my older sister was watching the Cartoon Invader Zim so we binged watched it.
Of course as a Naive 9-year-old I kinda developed a crush on Jimmy Neutron and made stories in my head about what could've been in the Power Hour.
You could also say that the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour helped me develop a career in Story making, so I made up an OC about an alien girl who was in love with Jimmy and was a big sister to Timmy.
Soon my Twin Sister introduced me to Nicktoons: Globs Of Doom! The fourth game. Of course I knew who Jimmy, Zim and SpongeBob was, but I didn't know who the others were at that time.
If I'm being honest all those years ago I was kinda scared of the Morphoids And SpongeBob being possessed.
So many years have passed I still remembered Jimmy and Timmy, and I was writing my first book since 7th Grade, But I completely forgot about the game.
Until 9th grade, a memory popped in my head about a video game my sister showed me, I thought "What was the name of that SpongeBob game with the scary orange goo aliens?"
So I went home after School and searched on YouTube for 'SpongeBob games on GameCube and Wii' and there it was Globs of Doom the game I remember.
And that was when I learned it was one in a series, a quadrilogy , I learned there was more so I looked at each play through on YouTube and fell in love.
That was when I remembered who Danny Phantom was, and so I got into the story and went out on a hunt for all four Games so I could play.
I also fell in love with the shipping of Jimmy and Timmy and the big brotherly type Danny Phantom is, and such a Mom SpongeBob can be sometimes.
My twin Sister was like, "What is it with you and Nicktoons Unite?" She asked, until I introduced it to her and she fell in love just like me.
Of course we kinda kept it a secret from our Family except our older Sister she was cool about keeping it as a secret, I know it sounds silly.
But I kinda think it's embarrassing to share my love for little boy cartoons to my family, even Komica wanted to keep it a secret too and thought it was embarrassing.
I'm such a fan here is my screensaver

If I had to chose my personal favorite is Volcano Island! Also my family know that me and my Twin Sister Are keeping a secret and they keep butting in wanting to know what it is! And we are determined to keep this secret to ourselves and our fans

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If I had to chose my personal favorite is Volcano Island!
Also my family know that me and my Twin Sister Are keeping a secret and they keep butting in wanting to know what it is! And we are determined to keep this secret to ourselves and our fans.
And no I still don't have a crush on Jimmy Neutron I wish Timmy does though, I'm just too old for him right now if I still did call the police on me!
This is one of the reasons why I like to mention Nicktoons Unite in some of my Fanfictions and the reason why I made Colossus such a fan girl for the boys.
One more thing I'm exited to hear that they were going to remake every Nicktoons Games including the famous Quadrilogy of the Nicktoons Unite series!
I can't wait! Here's the comment I left as one of my Characters

One more thing I'm exited to hear that they were going to remake every Nicktoons Games including the famous Quadrilogy of the Nicktoons Unite series!I can't wait! Here's the comment I left as one of my Characters

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