Chapter One- The start of the unknown

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"Masie! Wake up! It's the first stay of school!" My mom swings the door open and huffs in frustration.

I groan and roll out of bed. I have the perfect outfit for the first day of school. I folded the outfit on my dresser so I don't have to worry about looking for it in the morning. I slip on a white sweater with light denim skinny jeans. I planned to have my mom braid my hair and put a bow in it.

I rush out into the kitchen after I'm dressed and see my mom and dad sitting at the table.

"Your outfit is adorable!" My mom squeals, even though this is the tenth time she's seen me in this outfit.

"Thank you, mom." I smile at her and take a seat next to her.

My mom hands me a plate with chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, and sausage with a glass of orange juice.

"Eat up." My mom says and sits back down. I look over to my dad who has his face in his phone like he does everyday. My dad doesn't talk much and when he does talk, it's never anything good.

"Are you sure you're okay with taking the bus today? I can always drive you." My mom said.

"No, mom, it's okay." I nod and smile at her before cutting my pancakes.

I finish my plate as fast as I can. I'm extremely exited to see Gracie and Hazel. Gracie and Hazel are my best and only friends. I've known both of them since the sixth grade and we've never been apart since.

"I'm going to brush my teeth and then you can braid my hair." I remind my mom, putting my plate in the sink. She nods her head at me and I walk back to my room. I quickly brush my teeth and grab a brush and a hair tie and run back to my mom.

"Sit down." My mom pulls out a chair for me and I sit down.

"I'm so happy for you." She brushes my hair and begins to braid it.

"I am, too." I smile.

After my mom is done with my hair I grab my backpack that has my school supplies in it and slip on my brown boots. I wait for my mom by the door before I go outside and wait for the bus.

"Text me when you get to school." My mom pulls me for a hug.

"Yes, mom." I roll my eyes and laugh.

A bus honk breaks our moment and I rush outside.

"Morning." The bus driver smiles at me as I walk onto the bus. I look for Gracie and see her sitting in the last seat to the right. I smile and rush down to her.

"You're outfit is so cute!" She smiles at me and claps her hands. Gracie is wearing white skinny jeans, a pink tank top with a white cardigan, and pink Nike's. Her outfit is way better then mine.

"What are you talking about? Yours is way better!"

"Oh, shut up." She waves me off and pushes her blonde her behind her ears.

Gracie is the prettiest out of all of us and has the best sense in style. She always has something unique and outstanding on, which makes her my favorite.

"So, are you excited to see Cash?" Oh my god. I totally forgot about Cash! Cash is my boyfriend and we have been together for two years now. We haven't done anything besides make out a couple of times, but never once have we had sex. I love him with everything I have and we both decide to wait till collage.

"Yes! I've missed him so much." My heart glows thinking of him.

"I bet. He's all you talk about."

"That's not true." I lie. It is true. I've only been talking about him all summer. We didn't hang out during summer because he was at football camp two hours away and my mom wouldn't let me go see him. We FaceTimed a couple times here and there, but it wasn't enough for me.

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