Chapter twenty one- Next try

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I'm glad me and Jagger are trying things out again. If only he would understand me more, like he said he would, we could work it out. I still don't know what I'm going to tell Cash, but until then, if Jagger keeps this up, then I have no problem telling Cash.

It's Saturday night and I get a call from Gracie while I'm watching tv. I get up to answer it.

"Hey! So my parents are going to be gone this weekend and I was wondering if you and Jagger wanted to come over?" She asks in a high tone.

"Yeah, of course. I'll ask him." I reply back.

"Great! I'll see you when you get here." After she hangs up I go to dial Jaggers number. He answers right away, like always.

"Hey, Rae." He sighs. It almost sounds like something is wrong, but he would tell me if something was, right?

"Hey. Gracies parents are going to be gone and she was wondering if you wanted to go to her house?" I casually ask with no worries that he would say no. He's always going out of his way to hang out with me and because of that, I've grown more attached to him.

"I'm sorry, but I can't today." He mumbles and I hear another male voices whisper in the back round.

"Why not?" I slump my shoulders and whine. This is the the first time he's said no to hanging out with me and I'm kind of getting worried.

"Rae, I have other things to do you know." He slightly laughs. He's right. He probably has his own job. Like something I should get. I'm seventeen and still don't have a job or a car.

"Oh." Is all I manage to say. We exchange goodbyes and I pack my bag with some clothes and my phone charger and my other essentials.

"Hey mom!" I shout from my room. "Mom!" I scream again when she doesn't answer.

"Coming!" She shouts back and I hear her footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Yeah?" She peaks her head around the corner.

"Is it okay if I stay at Gracies house? I just need a ride." I ask.

"Yeah." She says dryly. Why does everyone around me seem upset?

We both go downstairs together and she slowly drives me over to Gracies.

"Mom?" I say before I get out.

"Yes?" She quickly answers and looks over at me. That's when I notice something is different. Her nose is a bright red and her eyes look like she's been crying for days.

"Are you okay?" I whisper with worried eyes. I know she said she wasn't feeling good, but this doesn't look like a flu or something, this looks like heart break.

"Yeah, I'm just a little sick." She nods her head and shows her bright white teeth. I smile back and get out of the car.

I walk up to Gracies house to the door and knock. When she answers, I hear my moms car leave.

Gracie moves out of the way so I can walk in.

"No Jagger?" She groans.

"Nope." I nod my head.

Ever since me and Jagger have been talking, it's always been the three of us. We never sat with anyone else at lunch and we were always together. Just the three of us.

The night goes by slowly. Watching scary movies and eating popcorn, playing spa, like always and spilling each other's secrets. We hear the door bell ring and it scares me after we were just watching scary movies.

"I'll get it" I tell Gracie and walk over to the door. I expected it to be Jagger, but instead, it's Aubree.

"Um, what are you doing here?" I snap at her.

"To give you these." She smiles and hands me a bag full of clothes. I'm guessing the clothes Jagger got me.

She pushes past me and walks in.

"Is that popcorn I smell?" She breaths in her nose and walks over to Gracie. She slips off her shoes and flops down on the coach. I look over to Gracie who is trying to hold in her laughter. Why the hell does she think this is funny?

"What are you really doing here?" I cross my arms over my chest and stand over her.

"Well, I came here to talk to you guys." She sits up and looks at Gracie. Gracie is slowly chewing her popcorn and is giving me the same look I'm giving her.

"So talk." Gracie demands. We sit in silent for a few seconds until Aubree breaks into tears. Neither me or Gracie don't know how to react. I sit down next to Aubree and wrap my arm around her.

"I-I just really miss us. Just the three of us. Remember step sisters?" She cry's harder. Step sisters was the name of our group. Hazel wasn't in it and that's one of the reasons I think Hazel hates us.

I'm not going to lie, I do miss all of us. My mind flashes with memories all three of us had.

"Yeah, I'm serious, Masie! He said he likes you." Aubree laughs and I'm literally shaking. I've had a crush on Cash for as long as I can remember. I've only talked to him to like twice, so how could he possibly like me back?

"You guys would be so cute!" Gracie softly shoves my shoulder and we all laugh.

"You should call him." Aubree gasp and smirks at me. No way. I'm not calling him. That would be too embarrassing.

"No, never!" I stop laughing while Gracie and Aubree continue to laugh.

That's when I realize I'm crying too. I lean my head on Aubrees shoulder and close my eyes.

When we finally recover, we all stand up and go into Gracies room. We play bored games and talk for the rest of the night. Most of the talking is about our past and the fun times we had. Some of it was sad times, but I'm happy right now. I never thought in my entire life I would be forgiving Aubree, but it's better then being enemies. 

"Hey, Masie?" Aubree says softly while braiding my hair.

"Yeah?" I whisper.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch to you all these years. I guess it was just because I'm jealous of you." She mumbles. Jealous of me? I don't understand.

"What? Why would you even think of being jealous of me? You're beautiful in every way possible." I turn around to face her and she smiles.

She tilts her head and I smile and she smiles back. She pulls me in for a tight hug.

"Hey! What about me!" Gracie says from the floor and wraps her arms around the both of us. Now everything is just right.

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