Fuck you freckle face, side swoop, prepubescent justin bieber lookin ass bitch

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An embarrassing story that I think about before I sleep at least once a week. This takes place in 1st grade, arguably where I peaked. Anyway, I had a crush on this kid. Like. Big crush. We talked a little bit but for the most part we weren't really friends🚶🏽‍♂️so Chris was having a birthday party. So he was in second, Turning 8 I think? It was transformers themed. I wanted to invite my friends, but I couldn't since it wasn't my birthday party. My mom said I could Invite 2 people. So one was my best friend at the time, Denise. She was a backstabbing cunt, but I'll elaborate more one that another day. Long story short, I broke the bitches arm in kinder and she was salty for 3 years after that 😴sucks to suck. Ok back to the boy, he had a j name btw. Smh. In 1st we had mailboxes for all the kids in the class. So I put an invitation into his mailbox 🌚🌚 thinking i was sneaky and shit. In the end, no one showed up. And we never talked about it again. Oof. 💀💀i hate it here

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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