Mist: Chapter 2

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The rabbits stepped closer, every step they took, their faces got more and more tense.

One of the two rabbits that had stood there before had stepped too close to me and grabbed my wrist, beginning to pull me towards him, and I saw the sheathed blade on his thigh.


I quickly slipped my knife across his throat before he pulled his out; knowing he was trying to act quickly. I then kicked his chest and he flopped onto his back, gripping tightly onto his neck, blood shooting out, the life slowly fading from his face.

The other rabbit runs full sprint towards him and grabs him by his shoulders, panting and almost crying.

"Brother! Get up!"

The rabbit I slit could not breathe; every word he tried to speak was only sounds of gargling wind as he battled death with every movement he would take.

The brother drags him into the forest, leaving a blood trail behind. I then sheath my blade, seeing all the other hunters running away in a panic.

But then a brave rabbit leaps from the forest, feet hurling towards my face.

I quickly pull out my knife and toss it at him right before he kicks me; the knife drills into his skull, splitting his forehead apart.

He tumbles onto the ground slamming face first into the dirt, shoving the knife farther into his head.

He then slides on his face across the dirt, as the knife withers out the back of his skull, cutting a slit on his head.

I hear the rabbits circling around in the forest; trying to flank me from various spots.

In one swift swing, a wooden stick slams against the throat of a rabbit, knocking him onto the ground.

"BITCH DOWN!" The dog bearing the stick shouts, slamming the heavy stick against the knocked out rabbit's head.

The dog was white- with brown spots. He had blue clothes on, with black, shiny armor over the clothes.

The rabbits scatter, all spiraling around both me and the dog.

Carefully timed, the dog swung again, breaking the board in half over a Rabbit's throat; breaking his spine and knocking him onto his back.

The rabbit bleeds out of his throat; completely unconscious.

The dog yelps as a rabbit knees him in his tailbone and trips him onto his stomach, moving onto his back.

I quickly lunge up the hill and tackle the rabbit against a tree, squeezing it's throat so he slams his side into the tree, shattering his shoulder.

"... Thanks." The dog mutters, quickly getting up and slamming his fist against the chest of a rabbit, knocking him backwards.

The rabbit flops backwards and slams his back against the ground. There wasn't many more rabbits left to go around.

"Come on!" The dog says, running into the forest as the rabbits organize themselves.

I nod and follow behind him, sprinting into the woods.
--To Be Continued.--

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