Pt. 21 / Nyx / Revelation

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"Good morning, Nyxie!"
Fuck, too much enthusiasm in the voice I despise so much.
- "Ugh... Lucifer..."
"Wake up, sleepy head."
- "I have a headache..." a terrible one, to be honest. 

My eyes were to weak to look around and help my brain with specifying my location. Lucifer did it for me: "Oh, yes, that's only suitable after the Armageddon up there. But do not worry, my dear friend, you're safe, home."

- "Why am I feeling like shit then?"
"Casualty of war I'm afraid."
- "Cool. Ugh... fuck..."

I tried to turn to my side, because my back was starting to ache as well, but obviously there wasn't a single part of my body willing to cooperate and not put me through more pain.
"Easy... you're still recovering."
- "How long has it been?"
"Nine days."
- "WHAT???"
"Yes, Nyx. You've been in a bloody coma for nine days. Your body is still heavily wounded and not completely healed, you need more time."

- "How is that even possible?"
"It's simple, Nyx. Especially now, that you have not one but two weaknesses."
- "Shit..."
"Yes. And both were present during our stand against those filthy bitches from outter space."
- "I get it now. Where are they now?"
"The bitches?"
- "No, I mean Sara and Kate."
"So, your bitches... guess in Gotham? I don't really know, Nyx. Oh, let me correct that: I don't really care, sorry. Not my business."

Whatever. I was thirsty: "Luci, can you hand me water?"
"You must be really sick, Nyx. No alcohol..."
He took his time mocking me but then he finally gave me a water bottle. 

I noticed my hand as I took it from him. Scratches, wounds, bruises... my whole body was covered in those. Clouds came, hanging over my head. For real. I wanted to sleep again and wake up when this all is over and my body is strong again...

But I had to wait. Not minutes, what was usual for us, high level ones. Not hours, what was usual for the low ranked demons. But fucking days. Long days which were even longer in my mind, going through all the footage from past weeks. I wonder if the two even want to see me again.

Third day. Jesus rose on the third day. Am I worse than him? Hell no! The physical pain was unbearable at first. I thought my body was going to break in half, each and every one of my limbs was about to break in half, but surprisingly, none of that happened. I was standing tall, in front of the stupid bunk, slowly lifting one leg after another in order to take the smallest steps forward. And away from here. 

My home, my house, was supposed to ease my mind and the tension. Familiar surroundings, feeling of security... all that bullshit humans say. Well, it does not work. Every square foot of my house reminded me of either Kate or Sara. Sofa in living room, mirror in bathroom, tall glass in my kitchen... I can't go on living like this or I'll go completely insane and blow up the outside world. 

- "Lucifer!"
"Hello there, firehead. How are you doin'? Looking better I see."
- "Yeah. Uh... Listen. I need..."

Lucifer made himself comfortable on his throne, crossing his legs and flashing me a cocky smirk.
- "I need closure."
- "Kate and Sara."
"I expected that."
- "I need to go to Gotham, as soon as possible. But I can't really... you know..."
"Let me translate that, my beloved Nyx. You need to see those two and you need to see them now, but you're still too weak and you don't have the energy to get there. AND you're hesitating. But, trust me on this one, there's nothing to worry about."

- "Yeah, cool. So. Who's going to take me..."
"I, personally, accept this important task. Where to first?"
- "Gotham, of course."
"Put your seatbelt on."
Lucifer jumped from the throne and before I could blink, we disappeared into void.

And appeared next to the Wayne's tower.
"Good luck, Nyx."
- "Thanks, dude."

He then vanished, leaving me on my own. 
I wondered what did I eat earlier this day, because my stomach started dancing fucking reggaeton as I entered the massive hallway.

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