2: Day one at Rakuzan

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Katsumi had wait patiently outside the classroom door, when she heard a person's voice softly said, " come in", assuming it was her teacher.

When she stepped inside, all noises were seized and was replaced with the pin-dropping quietness throughout the entire classroom. She went to her teacher and stood next to her awaiting her next speech, yet there was none, so it must be her to break the silence.

"I apologise for my tardiness, I've gotten lost finding my way here sensei. Please to meet you, my name is Elaine Katsumi and I presumed this is class 2-A?"

Her teacher stood frozen once again not expecting the overwhelming aura surrounding the girl as she spoke, soon after a few minutes the lady have snapped out of her state.

"Ah y-yes, you must be the new transfer student. Please call me Aiza-sensei and it's alright for you to be late as you aren't familiar with the school yet but make sure you come on time next time. Well please introduce yourself to the class Katsumi-chan."

Katsumi turn towards the class, her face displaying a small smile, " Hello everyone, my name is Elaine Katsumi, it's nice to meet you."

As she finished, there were still nothing to be heard.

Absolute silent.

Assuming the student were waiting for her to continue on but no she did not. The teacher then glance at her nervously and slightly coughed gaining everyone's attention.

"Well I expect you all to treat Katsumi-chan as equal, " the teacher turn to face the girl, "well Katsumi-chan you can sit in front of Akashi-kun since that's the only spare seat left," the teacher gave her an encouraging smile.

The teacher called out, "Akashi-kun could you raise your hand please."

A certain red haired put up his hand, his eyes clouded with interest at the light lavender haired female advancing to where he was.

'Oh? How peculiar.'

It was an interesting sight, rather than the female cowering in fear, she looked the emperor straight in the eyes and a smile adorning on her face, as a form of greeting. She sat down in front of the emperor and whisper immediately risen, some filled with jealousy, some filled with admiration. All in all, she got through the two morning periods peacefully with no drama.

*ding dong*

Then the dreaded lunch period have come for Katsumi. Herds of students shoving up in her face, for the female students it was trying to become her "friends" and for the male it was to "get to know her better". They all wanted something in exchange and that was either for Akashi Seijuro to notice them or for a possible foreign girlfriend to brag about. It was hilarious for her to see such display of action.

'Honestly do they not get embarrassed', she chuckled as she slid out of her chair.

Katsumi shot them a smile, it wasn't an encouraging but a frightening one. Getting even the teacher, who was barely making it through the door, to shiver.

"Could you please move."
It wasn't a question, in fact it was a direct order given to them, the student, though, seem to be frozen through the murderous glint in her pale sunflower eyes.

She let out a small cough and the students started to move, clearing a pathway for her. She grabbed her belonging and made her way out bidding a 'good day' to the students surrounding her. Outside, stood the light lavender haired lady in hope to look for Mibuchi-senpai, but she have no way of contacting him as they haven't yet exchange phone numbers. She let out a long sighed and walked her way to the garden she was before their meeting.

Back inside, at the end of the classroom by the window, left an emperor with thoughts. Hoping to know more about this woman, who dared look into his eyes and have full reign over the classroom on her first day.

He shook his head, 'no, there's no need for the unnecessary work, the woman seemed to be a troublesome one.'

He then switch his course and walked towards the gym to busy himself with basketball, dismissing any thoughts of Elaine Katsumi.

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