Quarantine Activities LMAO (BMC)

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Jeremy - You and Jeremy would be doing all sorts of things. Playing video games, listening to Broadway musicals, telling stories of your traumatic school experiences, etc!

Michael -  Y'all would be staying up all night everyday playing video games and listening to Marley cuz the groove is hella gnarly!

Jake - You guys would get very competitive. You two would play all types of sports and games, constantly yelling at each other when the other person wins. However, in the end it doesn't matter because you guys end up having a party between the two of you to celebrate your relationship(???) xD

Rich - I think you guys would be doing lots of little experiments! Like you two would start creating little explosions and setting fire to stuff, things like that! But also LOTS of cuddles! Everyday, all day!

Christine - You two would be watching bootlegs and movie musicals non stop. You would also have cast albums on full blast in the background. (I'm sure most of you are doing this anyway though, I know I am :D)

Brooke - You guys would be doing a lot of baking! Cupcakes, cakes, cookies, everything! You two might even try to make homemade frozen yogurt! When your not baking, you two would be watching videos of cute animals on YouTube <3

Chloe - You guys would probably just be constantly keeping up with friends and FaceTiming everyone all the time. You two would also be watching movies like Mean Girls, Clueless, Legally Blonde, etc.

Jenna - Y'all would be on social media CONSTANTLY, discussing with each other drama that isn't even happening. You guys would also do a lot of prank calls and laugh for hours!

SQUIP - Honestly IDRK??? During the day you two would probably just be doing anything to keep you occupied. He would be constantly annoying you, so you would always have a bottle of mountain dew red nearby to threaten him with. At night, you would be asking him for answers to random questions that you would only think about in the middle of the night. Like why does the world exist? Or does the world even exist at all? And he would just look at you like you're an idiot (LMAO).

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