Quarantine Activities (DEH)

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Part 2 LOLL

Evan - You two would be watching soooooOOOO many nature documentaries omg its insane. You guys would also sit outside a lot and watch birds. You would plant so many of the most amazing trees and find ways to enjoy the little things in life.

Connor - You guys would be like performing P!ATD concerts in your living room. Speakers on full blast, and honestly I don't even think you guys are singing, just screaming at the top of your lungs. Also, you guys would be cuddling like all night, it's literally adorable <3

Jared - You two would honestly just be scrolling through memes and be chaotic together. Like y'all would be throwing stuff at each other, wrestling with each other, screaming at each other, watching dramas on TV, and you guys would probably also be playing SOOOO MUCH Just Dance.

Zoe - You two would be watching A LOT of online concerts (mostly jazz). Zoe would probably teach you how to play some instruments, and you two would perform instrumental covers of songs and post them on YT!

Alana - You two would be constantly studying and making sure you keep your grades up even though your stuck at home. You guys would also be donating lots of food and supplies for people who are less fortunate in these times. You two would also be doing as much online volunteer work and fundraising for healthcare workers.

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