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William Rose walked through the carnage with a grim look on his face, he groaned as he misplaced his footing and ended up stepping on some poor sod's arm. He scraped the bottom on his boot on the man's sleeve hoping to salvage it.

His friend, Saul Hudson, let out a low chuckle, at the sight. He and Saul had been friends for a number of years now, having met after his father died and obtained the position of Thane of Cawdor. "He'd kill you if he noticed that." The man was right, a lot of money had been forked out for the boots to insure that he would be everything except for uncomfortable.

"Actually, I'm expecting a letter from him today now that you mention it."

"More complaints?"

William chuckled, his partner was certainly a strong character. Things had to be done in a specific way to keep him satisfied or else there was likely to be hell to pay. Simply forgetting to do something could result in an earful from the perfectionist.

"What are those?" Saul interrupted William's train of through causing the red-headed man to scowl at him until he turned his head to look at what could only be described as creatures that looked withered and wild. His friend couldn't help his curiosity and moved closer to the creatures but not before William grabbed a hold of his wrist and pulled him back.

"Speak if you can! What are you?" William snapped, morbidly curious of the three things. Considering that they were currently the only living things in a field of dead.

"All hail, Rose. Thane of Glamis!" The first creature exclaimed, "Thane of Cawdor!" followed by the second one and then finally the third; "Rose, that shall be King hereafter!"

Saul snatched his wrist from the other man's grip and cautiously approached the creatures, that seemed to look more and more like regular women the closer he got, perhaps witches.

"Tell me, are you illusions or are you really what you seem to be? You've greeted my friend with honors and talk of a future so wonderful that you've made him speechless. But you haven't said anything to me, please, give me your honesty."

"Lesser than Rose and greater." The first creature resumed, gaze intent on Saul, "Not so happy, yet much happier." the second carried on until finally the third one finished again, their whipping wildly around in the wind, "Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none."

William froze again what he heard, did he really heard things correctly? King? But how could these imperfect speakers say such things, is there any truth behind such sayings? "Tell me more." He demanded, the phrase sounded pathetic to hear. He was begging mere strangers to tell him information that may or may not be true, he was a Thane for crying out loud.

William knew he was Thane of Glamis due to his father's death but of Cawdor? It was impossible. "The Thane of Cawdor is still alive, there is no such thing for me. Speak the truth, I command you."

Before he had the chance to say something again, they vanished before William and Saul's eyes. "Fuckin' witches- gone." The other man whispered before turning to his friend, "Were those real? Or were we on the insane root?"

William completely disregarded him; the shock was clearly prominent on his pale features. He took a step back from Saul, "Your children will be kings."

Saul laughed in disbelief, pulling the older man towards him and ruffling his long hair although he didn't necessarily believe in what was predicted to him, he couldn't deny that is was fun to imagine such a possibility. "You will be king!"

"And Thane of Cawdor too- Ross, Angus?" His gaze fell upon two gentlemen on horseback that he was more than familiar than due to working with them on numerous occasions.

"Rose! The King was happy to hear of your success. Whenever he hears the story of your fight against the rebels, he becomes speechless. He was also shocked to learn that on the same day you fought the rebels you also fought against the army of Norway, and that you weren't the least bit afraid of death, even as you killed everyone around you." Ross made wild gestures to go along with the story he was speaking along with.

"Messenger after messenger delivered news of your bravery to the king with praise for how you defended his honour-" He babbled, his fondness of William not obvious in the slightest.

"King Clarke sent us to give you his thanks and to bring you to him." Angus chuckled, trying to bring Ross' ramblings down a notch.

"And to give you a taste of what's in store for you, he told us to call you the Thane of Cawdor. So hail, Thane of Cawdor! That title belongs to you now."

Saul could not comprehend what he had just heard, could the witches speak the truth? He looked over to the red-head, who resembled something of a ghost, William was speechless. If it the witches prophecy was becoming true for him, what did it mean for himself?

"The Thane of Cawdor is still alive but his treason has been proved, he has been sentenced to death." Understanding the matching looks on the two mens' faces, Angus was more than happy to help but he couldn't help copying their expressions in similar confusion. "He, uh, confessed. He's finished."

William nodded, the best of the prophecy is yet to come so it seems, "Right, thank you for the news gentlemen. We both will follow you on."

"Aren't you beginning to hope your children will be kings? After all, the witches who said I was thane of Cawdor promised me nothing less."

"If you believe a word they say, you've gone mad, mate." Saul playfully rolled his eyes at William, before making his way to Ross and Angus. "Actually, I'd like to have a word before we leave!"

William scoffed at his curly haired friend; the naivety. This temptation doesn't seem like it can be a bad thing, but it can't be good either. If it's a bad thing, why was I promised a promotion that turned out to be true? Now I'm the Thane of Cawdor, just like they said I would be.

But if this is a good thing, why do I find myself thinking about murdering King Clarke, a thought so horrifying that it makes my hair stand on end and my heart pound inside my chest? These dangers now frighten me less than the horrible things I'm imagining.

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