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Saul nudged his elbow into William's side, hoping it would cause the older man to snap out of his daze. Instead his gaze just remained on the floor; many thoughts, head full. "You need to come too, mate."

People are looking, is what he wanted to say but there was seemingly no point in further agitating the red-head. After all, you could already tell that by his bitten nails which William had to keep neat and manicured as per his partner's request.

"Everything alright?" Angus spoke, his every growing concern over William never faltering.

"He's not used to his new titles. They're like new clothes: they don't fit until you break them in over time." Saul grinned, quite proud of his little simile.

Angus cocked his head to one side, titles? According to his own knowledge, William Rose had only been presented to one new title; Thane of Cawdor. Perhaps Saul was merely caught up in the moment for his friend.

William gave a reassuring squeeze to Saul's hand, lingering for a moment longer than he should've. "Let's go then, Slasher." It had become a small comfort for the red-head and it was a bonus that Saul never seemed to mind. "We'll talk later, yeah?" He spoke in a quiet voice as to not alert Angus.

Gilby Clarke was a fairly young king however he did not lack the attitude and determination it took to do such difficult job, especially whilst also raising two sons; Malcolm and Donalbain. William had watched two lads grow up and turn into respectable and dominating men.

Clarke's eyes brightened as he witnessed Rose enter the throne room with Hudson in tow. And of course, Angus. "My worthiest kinsman! Just this moment I was feeling guilty for not having thanked you enough. You have done so much for me so fast that it has been impossible to reward you properly. All I can say is that I owe you more than I can ever repay."

William spoke proudly, after all, he had worked hard to get in his position and happy enough to show it off. Even if all he had done was wait for a poor sod to die a slow and most likely painful death. "The opportunity to serve you is its own reward. Your only duty, your highness, is to accept what we owe you. Our duty to you and your state is like the duty of servants to their master. By doing everything we can to protect you, we're only doing what we should."

"By making you Thane of Cawdor, I have planted the seeds of a great career for you, and I will make sure they grow." Clarke's eyes left Rose to focus on his shorter companion, "Noble Hudson, you deserve no less than Rose, and everyone should know it. Let me bring you close to me and give you the benefit of my love and good will."

"If I accomplish anything great, it will be of credit to you." Saul beamed at the older man, the bashful look on his face hidden by an abundance of dark curls.

The King chortled, his dark hair flopping from side to side as he made an effort to address as many people as he possibly could. "My joy is so overwhelming it brings tears to my eyes. My sons, relatives, lords, and all those closest to me, I want you to witness that I will land my kingdom on my eldest son, Malcolm. Today I named him the Prince of Cumberland. However, titles of nobility will shine like stars on all of you who deserve them."

Clarke brought his attention to back William, "And now, let's go to your castle at Inverness, where I will become even more obliged to you because of your hospitality."

"I'm not happy unless I can be working for you." William gloated, "I will go ahead and bring my partner the good news that you are coming. With that, I'll be off."

His partner was going to be more than ecstatic to see King Clarke, it probably meant that he wouldn't get to spend any time his partner as he was probably going to spend his time making up preparations. Fucking perfectionist. William internally cursed himself, he shouldn't be acting like this. His partner had been nothing but good to him and he was just simply standing here cursing the poor man.

William felt his heart drop into his stomach, Malcolm is now the prince of Cumberland, huh? To become king myself, I'm either going to have to step over him or give up, because he's in my way. Stars, hide your fire, let light not see my black and deep desires. I won't let my eye look at what my hand is doing, but in the end I'm still going to do that thing I'd be horrified to see. But for now, I have a letter to write.

- unedited

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