(Dani) Chapter 2 - Settle for it

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" Hey! Another girl.. " 

A voice peaked up, a bubble headed girl ran over to Dani. Frankly the only thought going through Dani's head was ' How in the hell did she manage to get here? '

Dani knew Tyler in middle school- she barely passed art, how did she get to class 1A. Before she managed to get to Dani's desk, Ben leaned over and whispered in her ear. " Her dad's one of the professors for class 1A, the best perk is you get to enroll one student into the class based on their 'potential..' " Ben mumbled doing air quotes as he spoke.

Tyler happily sat down behind Dani before the Professor walked in- he was attractive on all levels. He had brown long hair, green eyes, and was tall..

" Keep the drool in your mouth girls..." Ben teased as Tyler and Dani were mesmerized.

" Welcome my pupils, I'm Mr. Stock, and I'm your homeroom teacher.. Today you all can just get to know each other. I'm going to need a class president and vice president to help me with the class work.. And volunteers? " He stated his voice was somewhat deep and husky but seemed gentle and sweet at the same time. Without any hesitation Dani shot her hand up- and to no surprise they know at all in front Ben of her also did. Before Tyler, or any other girls could manage to offer, Mr.Stock agreed to those two.

" Alright, Dani can be president, while Ben can be vice president. "

Dani's heart nearly skipped a beat when he said her name, " how-- " she mumbled.

" Ah- that must have been odd for me to already know some of your names. We have to do deep research on all of you before you can get accepted into this class. I picked up on some of my favorite competitors to look deeper when I was looking through the files. "

That was that, the class got to know each other through stupid get together games. Classes weren't actually in session till next week- they just enjoyed having the classes get close before they engaged in the actual school year. The lunch room bell rang- students ate lunch in their classrooms usually. While arguing with Ben and Tyler over what color was better on the homeroom teacher, yellow or blue. A voice screeched out her name.

 " DANI! " Two voices yelled out, while running into the room and tackling her desk down. The two boys nearly flipped the thing over while trying to race to her first.

Kyle and Cristain. Kyle was more awkward, and unpopular. While Cristain was a beaming ball of sunshine and laughter. The two were best friends, they would almost remind you of two other characters Dani and Lexi if they ever met, well yet.

" and they are-- " Ben questioned, looking at the odd pair fighting over who got to her first.

" Ah- old friends.. " Dani stated out of embarrassment. They were family friends and they all spent at least a week in summer at their joint beach house since they were born. They both always had a crush on her, and always tried to one up each other for her, but she never thought of either of them romantically. More like little brothers- who protected her from weird guys, well weirder guys than them.

" Old friends! Seriously Dani? Do you have to play so hard to get, where obviously meant to be- " Dani causally bonked Kyle on the head like it was normal as she smiled at Ben to make the situation a bit less awkward than it already was.

" There's a reason they're in class 2D.. " She added in shaking her head, no matter how psycho they were she'll obviously still love the goofballs. They've protected her like the older brothers she always wished she had. Through thick and thin, whether it be her period or as simple as getting a bad grade. The guys always managed to find her, and fix the situation. Whether it be Cristain, Kyle, Liam, or Cody. One of them would be there. When Dani busted her toe open from wearing flip flops and bike riding- Kyle came and he fixed it up and drove her home. Or when she had Kevin harass her- the next day after telling Cody, Kevin begged Dani for forgiveness. When FiFi (Her yorkie) wasn't eating his food- and worried Dani half to death, Liam came over with popsicles and held her as she cried. Sure she was never alone- but something always felt off in the situation- like they were just replacements for someone else? She never had a clue who, but it was an odd feeling.

" You guy's want to have lunch on the roof- this class is stuffy. '' Ben sighed, putting his hands in his uniform pockets and grabbing his wallet.

" Only if we stop at the vending machines first.. " Dani added. Sure it was only the first day the two had met- but they instantly clicked into friends.

The four walked to the third floor and got their snacks.

" BENNY-! " A voice echoed.

Ben choked on his drink, and tried to look for somewhere- anywhere to hide. A shorter girl with larger features- and long black hair popped up. She had her uniform skirt rolled up as far as possible- and she was a first year, since her uniform was yellow, while the sophomores had black uniforms.

" Renee.. " Ben chuckled knowing there wasn't any way he could hide now, as he turned around to face her.

" It's almost as if you've been avoiding me- I don't see you anywhere anymore. " She pouted. Dani instantly had an odd vibe about her. Everything about her was- it seemed so artificial and off.

Renee noticed Dani behind Ben and leaped over grabbing his arm,

" Hey! I'm Renee, Ben's girlfriend! " She stated in an overly preppy tone.

" Will you stop telling people we're dating? Jesus.. '' Ben mumbled his face flushed as he looked away. Dani chuckled- it was obvious the girl felt threatened, but Dani had the intention to pull any moves on Ben. Sure he wasn't ugly, but he wasn't her type. Blonde, blue eyes, she was guessing he was around 5'10. He wasn't anything special, he was reserved and a brainiac, probably with a closed off dark past. 

" I'm Dani, " she stated in the same annoying preppy tone. It was almost static of rivilery sparked as the two shook one another's hands.

While Dani was climbing up the stairs she stopped- Was this really going to be her new life? She sat on the edge of the roof- eating the lunch her mom packed for her as everyone got to know each other. You could see the mountains from a distance from the roof. " Elkton huh..? " Dani mumbled to herself as she packed up her lunch.

" That lame place? " Ben chuckled as he sat next to her. " They're coming here next week. " For some odd reason, Dani found joy in that statement. " Why? " she questioned taking in the gentle breeze.

" Our schools always have a flag scavenger hunt against each other.. Actually each of class 1A goes up against each other.. Our day is Friday next week. "

Why did no one tell her this- she spent the rest of the day thinking about it, she heard people from Elkton were total opposites of Yorkshire kids. " Now children, Next week you have the Triandinal flag tournament.. I need you to beat them, because they've beat us every year up till now. " Mr. Stock huffed gently. That was enough to motivate the girls of the class- Dani actually spent the rest of her time at home looking at the previous matches. Each team hides their flag- and they have to find it before the other team, but once a member is out. They're out completely.

A week later of arguing with Ben- avoiding Cody on purpose because it was still awkward to be near him after his confession, and long talks with FiFi at night. The day had come.

" I'm counting on you to lead the class to victory Dani.. Mr. Stock stated as he wrapped the pull flag around her arm. Dani tried her best to hold back her face from flushing up. Ben and Dani were assigned to hide the flag. They ran up to the roof and tied it on the trashcan in the back- it was visible but no one would think about finding it here. Dani and Ben high-fived and ran down to the outer campus. " Let's beat these elk-ass losers. " Ben stated 

" Anything for our teacher.. " Dani chuckled. 

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