Chapter 5

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I laid back on my bed, letting out uneven breaths.

The small blue-eyed boy laying next to me, caused my heart to continue its sporadic thumping.

His eyes fluttered closed and I turned my attention to admire his face more closely. Moonlight streaming through the slitted curtains, giving his bare skin a silver glow. The tattoos curling up his neck shimmering under the silver light.

My mind drifting to what we had done, my cheeks flushing as I remembered how he felt under me and how much I loved it.

His soft breathing made me smile, kissing his head and tuck the blanket around him. I slid my arm around his waist and snuggled to him, closing my eyes and fall asleep.


I groaned, wincing as the sunlight pierced through the curtains and straight into my eyes. Shifting, I frowned feeling the empty space next to me and opened my eyes sighing.

The ruffled sheets not warm, signaling that their previous occupant had left awhile ago. I sat up, my head throbbing. My eyes seeking out a small note folded in half on top of the pillow.

I clumsily picked it up, blinking to clear my vision as I read it.

I had fun last night, see you around Adrian -xx

I frowned softly, sighing then lifted myself out of bed. Making my way to the bathroom and took a long shower. My hair sticking to my forehead, dipping in front of my eyes. The hot water running down my back and soothing the harsh throbbing in my head.

I turned off the water, brushing my hair back with my hand as I reached for a towel. Drying my chest then loosely wrap it around my waist. walking back into my room and finished drying off my body, pulling a pair of soft sweatpants.

Running the towel through my tousled hair, I closed my eyes then tossed it into the laundry basket.

I rubbed my eyes, my vision still a little blurry. Impatiently waiting for my cup of coffee to finish brewing, the distinct aroma quickly filling the room.

I sat on the balcony overlooking the city, sipping the hot beverage slowly. Enjoying the chilly breeze against my chest as I sipped my coffee.

My mind once again drifting the small boy that was in my bed the night before. My hunger for the intriguing boy had been sated for the night, but now knowing the taste I craved for more. like a hungry lion, I wanted more of the young boy, feeling an extreme tug towards the boy.

But for now it would have to wait until I could completely wear down my headache.

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