I'm sorry-Louie Duck xreader

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A/n: Whew! This took a while. I am honestly so sorry I couldn't be update this sooner. There was a lot going on in my personal life, and then there is our old friend writers block. I also had to rewrite this a couple times due to it being too long, changing the whole plot, and the pov. I know it's lengthy, I tried to make it shorter without ruining the story. It seems my one shots tend to become longer and longer. Sorry about that. But here's it is! I hope you enjoy this! It's gonna get super angsty.

Requested by: I_stan_louie_duck

You trotted happily down the stairs of McDuck Manor. Your family and the McDuck clan were huge friends. Seeing as your dad worked alongside with Donald Duck. You were currently staying at the manor for the month, due to your parents going on a business trip. Earlier that day your boyfriend, Louie Duck, had invited you to a movie marathon in the tv room at noon. You made your way to the room, more than ready to spend time with the green triplet.  "Hey Lou! What are we watching? I was thinking we..." You stopped dead in your tracks. Your heart dropped to your stomach and your  blood ran cold. You couldn't believe what you saw. There, in front of the couch, was your boyfriend Louie, hugging Webby. You and Webby couldn't stand each other. You both love the same green duck. "Aww Lou, your so understanding. Thanks for being here for me. Your dashing smile and emerald green eyes always cheer me up." Webby gushed still holding Louie in her arms. "Your so sweet and funny." You were  at a loss for words. "Wh-what?" You stuttered. You felt her eyes start to sting as you tried  to hold back tears. Louie turned his head away from Webby and looked up at you."Y/n! L-Look, this isn't what you think it is!"  Webby looked annoyed. Of course she knew you were there.. This was her plan after all. Panicked flashed in her eyes. As Louie tried to pull away from her grasp. She hugged him even tighter. "Nononono! This is exactly what it looks like!" She turned towards Louie. "Isn't Lou?" She said with a stern voice as she leaned closer and closer toward Louie. 

You ran to your room, slammed the door behind you, and slide down the wall. You buried her face in your hands as you began to weep. You cried for hours. Your  mind was flooded with thoughts such as: how could he do this to me? I thought he loved me? Am I not good enough? Is there something wrong with me? He hates me doesn't he? What did I do wrong? Don't I deserve to be loved? You couldn't help but wonder why he would do this. After a couple hours you got up. You stumbled towards your mirror. You hated the reflection looking back at you. You could write a whole book of how much you now hated herself. You decided to change into a black hoodie and some ripped jeans. You tried to ignore the fact that the hoodie reminded you of a certain duck, but it did make you feel safe. You could hide in the hoodie. You smeared the mascara running down your cheeks with your sleeve. You walked over to your bed, laid down, and went to sleep. 

About two days passed since the event. You hadn't come out of your room since. You checked your phone to see 167 text so from Louie, along with 43 missed calls.  Every now and then Louie would knock on your door, begging to talk, asking if you were okay, trying to get you to come out and eat.  But you always ignored them. Usually he got the message and left you alone. But at this point he had had enough. He was too worried and too concerned. He was scared. You woke up after a short nap. Your eyes were red and puffy, and your face was still wet from previously crying. You heard a knock at your door. You knew exactly who it was, so like before, you ignored it. The knocking came again. "Y/n?" You groaned. What did he want? You still didn't respond.  "Y/n?!" You could her the worry and concern in his voice. Honestly, you wanted to let him in, but at he same time you remembered how's he had hurt you. You lied back down in your bed, turning your back towards the door. You just wanted to be alone. "Y/n please!" His voice grew louder as he started knocking harder. Just the sound of his voice made you tear up. You didn't  know what to do. You curled up into a ball and Shoved your face in her pillow. "Y/n! I need you to open the door, okay?! Please! You haven't eaten in days, and I'm worried about you. You haven't come out of your room a long time. Please let me in. I'm worried about you. Please!" You still ignored his yelling. At this point tears were streaming down your cheeks like rivers. The constant yelling and banging got louder and louder. You couldn't take it. It was all too much. You felt your body begin shake violently. Maybe because if the lack of food? Or maybe because you were scared? Your breathing became shallow and got faster and faster. The banging and yelling stopped for a short period of time, before a jiggling  noise came from the door knob. After a couple seconds it clicked. You glanced over towards the door as the knob turned and a concerned Louie slowly cracked the door open. You saw his eyes widened at the sight of you, as he peered into the room. "Y/n!" Louie threw open the door and ran over to your side.  "Y/n! Oh my gosh are you okay?! Y/n your shaking! When's the last time you've eaten?! The green duck's eyes filled with tears as he looked at your state. Seeing you  like this frightened him. He noticed your breathing. Your breath was too light, and too fast. You  was hyperventilating. Louie began to panic. "Y/n please look at me okay. I need you to take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. Okay? Please. Deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Do it with me, okay?" He started doing the breathing exercises with you, and your breathing slowed. Once he was sure you were breathing fine, he gently turned your head towards him, so he could look you in the eyes. He brought his finger to your face and wiped away the tears. "Please just talk to me. Tell me what's wrong." You glanced up at him, and then you looked down. You started to fidget with your sleeves, your hands still shaking. "I'm not good enough!" You started.  "I-I'm a disappointment. I'm worthless! I don't deserve happiness! I don't deserve you! I love you so much! And the fact that you don't feel the same  hurts! I gave you everything. And you just-you just threw it all away. Your perfect. Your kind and smart and  funny and cute and you deserve way better than me. I'm a loser! I'm a failure! I'm useless! I'm ugly! I'm nothing! I am nothing and I  deserve nothing and I will always be nothing! I don't deserve to be here. I-I just-Just.." You exploded into a fit of tears before you could finish your sentence. Louie froze as tears poured down his face. He was speechless. Was this because of him? Because of what happened? He immediately threw his arms around you, pulling you into a tight, warm hug. You stiffened. You thought he didn't care. Maybe you were wrong.  You began to hear sniffles as Louie started to sob into your  shoulder. "IM SORRY!" You were shocked. You didn't know what to do. You wrapped your arms around him in response. Louie continued sobbing. "I'm SO SO SORRY! I love you so much! OKAY?! I love you! If anything happened to you I don't know what I would do. I would loose my mind. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to! I really didn't! I would never hurt you! In fact, if anyone even thought of laying a finger on you they would be dead meat! I need you! If anything I don't deserve you! I am lazy, selfish, envious, greedy, and evil. You on the other hand, are gorgeous! You are precious, beautiful, strong, kind, and just truly amazing. Please. I love you and I need you. Just let me explain everything." You pulled away, so your eyes could lock with his. You nodded signaling to Louie that he could begin to explain the event from his point of view. He wiped away his tears a took a deep, shaky, breath. 


"Hey Lou!" Webby skipped into the tv room, where Louie was comfortably sitting on the couch. He was watching Ottoman Empire as he waited for Y/n to join him. He let out an annoyed groan due to Webby's presence. "Ugh, what do you want now Webby?" Webby knew Louie was very sympathetic. He couldn't stand it when someone was sad, mad, or hurt. Better yet crying. He just had to comfort them. Webby used this to her advantage. Her grandma had taught her how to cry on cue, just Incase there was an emergency. She was also very good at acting.  Webby began to fake cry, as Louie looked up at her, worried. "Are you okay?" He asked. Webby shook her head. "No! You hate me!" Louie frowned at her comment. Yeah, sure he didn't like her. Probably because she knew he had a girlfriend, but she kept flirting with him. Fortunately for him Y/n was understanding. He sighed. "Look Webby I don't hate you. It's just you know I love Y/n, yet you still flirt wit me. And your very rude to her." Webby kept crying. "You think I'm awful don't you! I'm just misunderstood! If you got to know me better maybe you would like me!" Louie started to regret what he said. Sure, it was the truth, but it made things worse. "Webby I don't think your awful! In fact, I think your great!" He lied. "Look your a great person and I'm sure you have a good heart." Webby stopped crying and smiled at him. "Really?" "Sure." Louie became tense as Webby embraced him. He didn't want to hug her, but he didn't want her to feel bad and cry again. That's when Y/n entered the room. "Hey Lou! What are we watching! I was thinking we..." Louie looked up at his girlfriend. She froze. Louie's eyes widened as he realized Y/n would get the wrong idea. He opened his mouth to say something, but  Webby slapped her hand over his mouth, stopping him from saying a word. She turned his head back to her and met his eyes. "Aww Lou, your so understanding. Thanks for being here for me. Your dashing smile and emerald green eyes always cheer me up. Your so sweet and funny." "Wh-what?" Y/n's stuttered as her voice cracked with sadness. Louie turned toward his girlfriend. "Y/n! L-Look, this  isn't what you think it is!" Webby shot both Y/n and Louie a death glare. There was no way her plan to have Louie as her boyfriend, would fail. She started to panic as Y/n almost believed the green duck. Louie started to struggle in her grip, as she hugged him tighter. She laughed nervously. "Nononono! This is exactly what it looks like!" She began to squeeze Louie, digging her fingernails into his shoulders. "Isn't it Lou?" She said in a stern voice. Louie shook his head, no. When Webby wanted something she got it. Nothing got in her way. She began to lean closer and closer toward Louie. That's when Y/n ran away. Hearing Y/n's cry's as she ran was like a bunch of knives stabbing Louie in the heart. He needed to go to her. To comfort her. To explain. Louie started to argue as Webby leaned in closer. "Webby let go. I know what you're doing." Webby opened her eyes and leaned back. She cocked her head to the side. "What? No. This is probably the only change I'll get to kissing you. Especially now that Y/n is gone. We can finally be together!" She leaned in to kiss Louie. He stared kicking, but it was no use. She pressed her beak (lips?) against his. Louie tried to get away but Webby wouldn't let him. He began to protest. A few seconds later Louie kicked Webby in the ribs, causing her to fall to her knees. "How dare you Webby?! I thought we were friends. You disgust me! That was uncalled for and you know it. You hurt Y/n! You monster!" He then raced up the stairs, hoping it wasn't to late to talk to Y/n. 

Flashback end

You and Louie sat in silence. You didn't know what to say. You couldn't believe you blamed Louie for this. You also couldn't believe Webby would do such a thing. Heat rose upon your face as the thought of Webby infuriated you. You couldn't believe she did this to Louie. You looked back at Louie, who was fidgeting with his sleeves. He had stopped crying, but his eyes were still glossed with tears. "I-I understand if you want to break up with me now. I deserve it. I shouldn't have let her done that. It's my fault." You sighed and gently held his hands in yours. "Louie, I am not going to break up with you. I would never! This isn't your fault, okay? It's Webby's. You tried to stop her but you couldn't. She shouldn't have done that. But, I don't blame you for what happened. I love you." The feeling of his warm, soft hands In yours were comforting. He gave you a soft smile. "So," Louie changed the subject. "That black hoodie, looks good on you. But I think you would look better In green. Wanna wear one of mine?" You blushed and nodded. "Of course!" You exclaimed with joy. You two cuddled in your matching, green hoodies, with a soft blanket. You watched the Ottoman Empire Marathon on Louie's laptop. You rested your head against his chest. "Y/n?" Louie spoke softly. "Ya, Lou?" You looked up at his sparkling eyes. "I love you so much. I just want you to know that." You smiled at the comment. "I love you too, Lou." You snuggled up closer to him, and before you knew it, you were both fast asleep. Although this time, it was peaceful. 

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