- Is it Worth it? -

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Well do you think it's really worth it to follow Christ, is it really worth it if you just learn to cut people off because you want to get closer the God that is the most High? Is it really worth it?
Well you're probably out there thinking, "man is it really worth it to start a new page, to do things differently, to move differently which is going to cause me to lose quite a number of friends and people in my life.?" Is it really worth it?
So, you keep thinking further and a little deeper and then this question hits you, "how is it that I'll be the only one from my squad who's going to follow Christ? How come a lot of people don't follow Christ? How come people in my location, in my street, or in my town, don't read the Bible or do what it says?" The worst part Is, you don't try and give yourself answers to those questions, you feels short minded about it, and just leave it right there so you won't have to worry yourself much, but what you fail to understand because of lack of knowledge is, you worry yourself more by keeping quiet about it, it becomes worse when you don't want to know, but you have to know. Some people know it, but do not want to confront it, they don't want to face it but you got to so you know the truth and the truth is gonna set you free.
After thoughts, emotions are next, you start feel a lot of feelings. You start to doubt and you start to fear because, as I said before, you're only concerned about people's opinions and views about your life and then you lose yourself trying to find yourself in other people.
Apart from that you start to convince yourself that, you're not worthy of God's presence, but first actually, you start to think of you're not worthy of being a Christian at all.
You start to feel that way simply because you feel like you done did so many wrongs, you can't get right, you feel like you done did a few things that might not be forgiven. If so by chance you feel none of these feelings, then you start to feel uncertain of it, you start to double think and backtrack and start to feel like you pushing yourself backwards but you're slowly moving forward, well, because you're not sure, you start to feel like you need help with moving on but yet you do not know who to turn to because you're scared people are gonna mock you and tease you for the step you're taking and for the change you're making, and so you sir there isolated by your thoughts and emotions, you try to lean so hard on your own understanding but the fact, it's not giving you answers.
You're missing out a few things here, the first one is: you do not know what lies ahead of you, you are not thinking about what the outcome will be of your decision, cause you're just too busy focusing on the 'now' time, you're just too distracted by your thoughts thinking things that will tear you down and not build you up. The thing is, you're trying to find the worth in the decision you're about to take, your mind is not set on one thing, it's set on many things, you're overloading your mind and so many viruses are going to enter it and that causes it to shut down.
Minutes can pass, hours can pass and days and weeks, but if you take longer than a month, then you were never committed in finding the worth of following Jesus Christ anyway.
In fact you barely paid attention because as I keep saying, you value your emotions so much that you can't think straight, your feelings always get in the way.
So you need to ask yourself countless times, is it really going to be worth it turning into a different person? Is it really going to be worth it just moving a different direction, and the fact stands: not a lot of people take that direction.
Hold up, let's address this a little bit more, check this out, some of y'all thinking you ain't got time to decide yet, you just don't get time at all, you too busy, no, actually you always busy, you got too much work to do, you too caught up to get your life together.
You use that as an excuse to avoid making a decision and you keep yourself so busy with whatever it is you be doing, not because you really busy, but because you're avoiding something and that something is what you have to face.
You probably thinking of the difficulties and not the benefits of the journey, because as I said earlier, you too focused on your emotions and you ain't thinking about the 'to come' but you just thinking about the 'now'.
One more thing, I don't know by what circumstance you're choosing from, it might be you being led to it by your friends but you still indecisive, or your parents are forcing you to know the gospel but you just a little too frail about it, or you deciding to do it by yourself but yet again, you too frail about it. You see the problem you got is, you just stuck, you just in a box, you boxed in and you stumbling everytime you want to decide. Is it foolishness that you keep stumbling? Is it foolishness that you boxed in but you are still boxed in? Or no wait, it's ignorance right? You're not taking advantage of the fact that you got free will Of decision, you're not going to be condemned, you're not going to be killed, or did you hear that there's gonna be a possible world war from your decision? Are you serious right now??? No like are you for real right now?

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