1.2~ luke

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Haha, Please don't expect this to be great I just spend an hour getting it perfect and editing the spelling and accidently deleted it so haha I'm feeling dandy right now,
I hope you enjoy with chapter.


~Luke's pov~

my hands typed out my address so I could invite Skylar over. The whole gang, minus Skylar, was in Pizza Hut at the moment and Lana kept giving me death glares. Whatever.

Text: skybaby
239 corner street, West Brompton, London JZ8 6HG ((a/n idk if that place even exists in London)) 1opm. Don't tell Lana if she goes home.

As soon as I click send I heard a gasp.

"What? Sorry..." My face tilted up to find Michael was bright red and Calum was groaning on the floor.

""MICHAEL!" Ashton sighed.

"Wait what happened?"

"He wanted a bit of my pizza and that wasn't going to happen."

-----SKYLAR'S POV----

I was genuinely being lazy and considering if I should curl my hair my hair or not when I recieved a text from Luke, He gave me what I hoped was his adress and said to me be there for 10pm.

I glanced at the time and saw it was 8:45pm, meaning I had 45 minutes before I should leave, since I didn't know how long it would take to get there.

I quickly pulled out my laptop and opened up youtube to put some music.

As I typed out on my playlist sand started bopping around I noticed a song that wasn't heard before was playing.

"What...?You suck? Mhh. Okay," my body couldn't help but laugh at the lyrics, this girl obviously was obsessed with the dude.

After getting ready, and deciding against the hair curling I chucked it into a ponytail for quickness and grabbed my purse and phone.


There was 3 minutes until my taxi arrives.

from: Lalala(LANAAAAA)

hiya Skypie! I'll be home for around 10:30, don't wait up ;)


To: lalala(LANAAAAA)

Don't worry, If I'm not in I've gone to visit an old friend wooh, socialising!
Use protection lala xx

The familiar beeps was heard from outside and I made my way towards them.

"Ello' sweetheart, where's ta destination? I would say my house but you're obviously taken!" The man from the front laughed at my disturbed face."i'm joking, I'm joking. I wouldn't take you home. But where's you's heading?"

"Um...239 corner street, West Brompton, London JZ8 6HG...please..."

"Alrite' darling. Don't worry about the joke earlier. I say it a lot of quiet nights like this, it's cabbie's humour."

All my response was,was a nod of my head.


Turns out it was only a 10 minute drive.

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