★Chapter 3★

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Still 3rd POV

Ah, finally! It was around five. A knock could be heard at your hospital room door and in walk a big chested platinum blonde. It was Lady Tsunade.

''Ready to go?'' she'd ask, giving a small smile to you.

You nod. You were already excited to go home and see eveyo- oh, wait.. that's right. Scratch that.

Letting out a constant soft sigh, you'd get up and walk out the door with Lady Tsunade following along, walking at your side. Instead of that hospital gown from earlier, you had changed into your regular clothes about an hour ago. Thankfully, they were repaired and cleaned.

After being finally discharged, you'd walk out of an office area to see Yumi standing at the hallway entrance with a bright smile on her face. ''Yumi!'' you'd smile and run over to her, instantly throwing your arms around her, hugging her tightly. Yumi would giggle and return to hug. You both clearly missed each other dearly.

''How's about we go celebrate with some ramen, aye?'' the brunette would ask, keeping her cheeky grin. Of course, you'd nod. In fact, you were actually kinda a hungry. Starving even.

''Well, let's go!'' she'd chuckle and grab you by the hand, leading you out of the hospital and into the crowded streets of the Leaf Village. You'd squint your eyes once out, letting your eyes adjust to the bright light of the sun.

''It's so nice out,'' you'd say, smiling softly as you glanced around. Everything was so serene.

After a bit of walking, you both arrived at Ichiraku's. Yumi ordered your favorite and she did the same for herself. Soon the food came and you both began eating.

Time had passed by as y'all talked and laughed. It was nice to spend time with Yumi, it really was. She was such a dork.

It would soon be dark and you'd both part ways to head home.

By the time you had gotten home, the sky was pitch black and only the moon had lit up the sky. It was beautiful.

Your POV

Home at last... Oh, how I've missed you. I can't wait to sleep in my own bed and read all those books I didn't yet finish. I love reading- it's so calming.

As moments went by, I had finally arrived home. It was dark and I reached for my keys as I stepped foot onto the doorstep, but... wait, wha-? Why was my.. door open?

I stopped reaching for my keys and cautiously got closer to the door. It was slightly cracked. I inched inside, slowly opening the door a bit more and flipping on the light switch, lighting up my living room so that I could actually see. Nothing was misplaced and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.. well, except for the door being open. Maybe I accidentally left it open before I left for my mission? I'm not sure..

Oh, well.

I finally stepped in all the way and shut the door behind me before making my way into my room which would be to the far left down a short hallway. On the way there, I'd stop and look at one of the flowers I had been trying to keep alive for some time now, in a pot and resting on a narrow table. I frowned to himself, seeing that the flower had unfortunately died and withered away.

I'd sigh heavily and walk to my room. I then got undressed and headed for the shower. It had been a while since I had had one. It felt so nice to actually stand in the warm water. A bath would've been nicer, but I was tired and close to falling asleep.

After what seemed to be around fifteen minutes, I'd hop out of the shower, get into my pajamas, and head to bed.

''Tomorrows a good day...''

I thought before drifting off to sleep for the rest of the night.

{660 Words}

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