chapter 5 : Anyone there?

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Anu and arjun were back from work in the evening, arjun was still on his laptop sending emails to his bussiness clients while amu was preparing dinner for both of them. Anu was cooking butter chicken with naan. In the middle of the butter chicken boiling Anu came to the hall to disturb arjun because he was paying any attention to her. She snatched away his laptop and started to run around the house.

Arjun got up started chasing her, suddenly a huge pile of plates fall off the kitchen cabinet. Anu and arjun both of them rushed to the kitchen and see what was happening. Anu quickly closed the stove as the butter chicken was almost overcooked and she totally forgot about it. Arjun helped anu to clean up the mess, anu was really confused on was going on when she was thinking she saw some footprints from the kitchen to the hall in flour. Anu and arjun are in the kitchen then who went to the hall?

Anu: Arjun.....

Arjun : yess?

Anu: can you see those footprints?

Arjun: what footprints and stop balabbering and get ready to serve me dinner am very hungry!

Anu(mind voice): if he cannot see those footprints why am i able to see it? Omgg wait is my 3rd open again...???? Or is it am just hallucinating like in the morning? You know what anu just ignore it we will go to the person who helped me close my 3rd eye and tell him the problems.

Arjun: eyy what are you still thinking are you not going to serve me dinner?

Anu: ahh wait coming already...

Right after dinner anu and arjun watched television together and both of them fall asleep in the sofa.

Right at 3am anu woke up due to a sharp sound in her house. She looked at the time and wanted to go back to sleep.

Zzzzz-...(tv blinking, then on and off)

Anu was starting to feel scared after those incidents and she decided to off the tv but it kept oning . Anu stand up and started to  go near the tv. She went and off the power button so she would not need to worry anymore. It was still back on .

Anu: who are you? Why are you here? Do you need my help? Stop taunting me if you do not have anything to do with me!

A voice starts to laugh and cry.....

Anu: you think you can scare me but i guess you failed. I am not a normal human being am able to sense and talk to spirits and am sure you are aware too!

The voice went off and tv off.

Anu decided to deal with the spirit the next time she conquer it.

Sorry for a small chapter will update more frequently🔥💃

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