Chapter 1

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It has been a couple of months since both Sam's,
Dean, Josh and Bela had killed the Alpha Wraith but also a couple of months since Josh has left the hospital and ever since then Josh and Sam have started trying to find the other Alpha so they could take them all out one by one and they have no done a single case since they started looking for the other Alphas well until today anyway.

A coffe shop just outside of Missouri
Josh and Sam where both looking on there laptop's trying to find any sign of any Alpha monster around but instead Josh stumbled across something very interesting and he said when he found it " hear check this out mate." Sam then said back " what is it mate." Josh then said back " listen to this there a house in Missouri and a couple of weeks ago a group of teenagers when missing in it and when the police went to investigate they found no evidence of them even being there." Sam then closed down his laptop and said back " yeah that sound very interesting mate shall we go and check it out I mean we haven't had much luck finding anymore Alpha." Josh then also closed his laptop and then said " yeah your right there we've been looking for any signs of Alpha's." Sam then said to him " shall we go and take a look at this house then I mean we basically in Missouri it won't take five minutes to get there." Josh and Sam both then got up on there seats and slung there jackets on and while Sam started walking out Josh pulled his wallet out and left twenty pound on the table and then followed Sam out and then they left to drive into Missouri. Once they got to the house in question they pulled up outside it and what they saw was this old battered house that looked like it hadn't been lived in, in years there where weed growing all over it and it has old wooden planks over all the windows once they had seen all that before they got out of the car Sam said to Josh " I can already tell that some screw up stuff is happening hear." Josh didn't say anything back to that and they both then got out of the car. Sam then walked around to where Josh was and he then said to Sam " keep watch a second we need to get some bits before we got in." Sam had to keep watch as it was still daytime incase anyone saw what they had in there car but Josh then pressed the button under the steering wheel and then all the seat folded forward so they could get to all there equipment and once the seats had folded forward Josh picked up an EMF meter, both his and Sam pistols with rock salt bullet in them and as he handover Sam gun he said to Josh " rock salt?" Josh then said back " yeah I mean its probably a ghost that doing this so what's the point in taking any risk." After that josh pushed the button under the steering wheel and then shut his door and locked the car up they went started walking up to the house. As they got inside the house both the boy's looked at each other and then Josh said " why the hell would a group teenager wanna come hear for?" Sam just looked at Josh and didn't say anything back to him he just went to go and take a look around the places and while Josh was walking around he pulled out the EMF meter and switch it on and while he walked around some rooms with it the EMF didn't go on once, just as Josh switch the EMF meter off Sam walked in to the room he was in and that the kitchen and Sam said as he saw Josh had the EMF out " what reading did it get mate?" Josh then looked at Sam and pot the EMF back in his pocket and then said " none it didn't go off once I've been thought like three room and nothing." Sam then said " maybe because it daytime I mean you know that ghost are more active at night." Josh said back to the " yeah I know maybe we should come back tonight and go though with the EMF again." Sam then said " yeah that works with me, we come back tonight and in the meantime we can dig into this place a bit more found it history I mean it looks like something happened to hear by the state of it because I can tell you for a fact no one lived hear in a while." And as Josh started walking towards the door he said to Sam sarcastically " what make you say that." And as Sam started following him he said back " well the weed all over the floors and ceiling and the wooden planks over the windows wait hang on you was being sarcastic wasn't you." Josh then said back as he walked out of the door " yeah I was mate." And just before Sam left the house someone started whispered something but couldn't make out what they where saying and as soon as Sam hard that he stop and turned around to see if anyone was there and there wasn't but he could still hear the whispering he then went back inside the house and as he walked thought the house the whispering got loud, when Sam walking into the living room he walkover to one of the walls where the whispering seemed to be coming from and when he pot his ear up against the wall he could make out what they where whispering they where saying " free us." Over and over again and once Sam moves his head away from the wall he said to him self "free us what the hell is going on in this house." And just as he said that Josh walked in the room and when he saw Sam he said " I thought we was coming back later mate?" Sam then said back to him " did you hear the whispering?" Josh then gave Sam a funny look and said back " what whispered mate I was just about to open the car up and I turned around and you was just gone." Sam then said " so you telling me you can't hear all that whispering right now." " no mate I can't hear anything." Josh said back, Sam then reply's with "  he cone over hear and pot you eat against the wall." Josh then walked over to the wall and pot his ear up against it and a minute or too later then he pulled away from it and said back to Sam " I can't hear anything matebbc, is the whispering still going on now?" Sam then said back " yeah it is and at first I could hear they where saying so I pot my ear to the wall like you just did and I made out that they where saying free us." Josh then pulled out the EMF nearer again and switch it on but it still come up with nothing at all Sam then said " still nothing but I tell there people whispering I can hear them." Josh then said " I believe you mate, I think we should get out of hear and try and figure out what the hell is going on in this house." Sam then said back " yeah I agree with you there let go." And as they where walking thought the house to get to the door suddenly Josh saw something standing in entrance to the kitchen and when he saw him he instantly stop Sam by potting his arm out Sam then said " why did you stop me?" Josh then said" look in the kitchen." Sam then looked over the the kitchen and saw a man in a long black cloak on and he had a somewhat distorted face with black and empty eyes Sam then said " what the hell is that." And before Josh could say anything back this thing moved like flash to right where they where and his picking up Josh and Sam both by the neck and then started choking and then he threw them both across the room and both Sam and Josh hit the wall with a massive CRASH! And as they where both on the floor dazed the creatures farted walking towards Sam and when Josh started to get his vision back he saw that thing get closer to Sam he managed to get himself to his feet and then pulled his gun and said to the thing " hay jack ass over hear." And he said that the thing turned around and looked Josh right in his eyes with his black empty eyes and then Josh fire at it he let of a couple BANG, BANG! And as soon a the bullets hit the creature it didn't do a dam thing they just hit him and then he started walking towards him and once Josh saw that the bullets just did nothing to him Josh then fired the rest of the clip into this creature BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG!" And all of the bullets did the same at the first two they didn't do a dam thing he was still coming for Josh, he then threw his gun on the floor and as he got to up to him Josh decided to punch him in the face but as soon as his fist hit his face it was like hitting a brick wall he then screamed "ARHHHHHH SON OF A BITCH!" The creature then punch Josh in the stomach sending him down to his knees in pain and then he punch Josh around the face knocking him out instantly. The creature then turned back around to Sam who was still trying to get him self to his feet as he was still very dazed but he was starting to get his vision back enough to see his best friend unconscious on the floor and as Sam slowly started trying to himself to his feet the creature then kicked him with omens power in the stomach sending hims back to the ground and when Sam then managed to lift his head up enough to look at the creature and say " what the hell are you." The creature then nelt down next to Sam and then just punched him in the face knocking him unconscious and then the creature just vanished into thin air.

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