Chapter 3

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When they got back to the house it was pitch blacks did when they pulled up outside the house they saw another car parked outside and when the boy's saw that Josh said to Sam " what the hell are they doing hear?" Sam then said back " I have no idea but they don't how much danger they are in come let's go." The both then got out of the car and then Josh quickly pressed the button under the steering wheel to get there stuff and once all the seats had folded forward Josh and Sam grabbed and the bits they and that was the red spray paint, both there gun loaded with normal bullets not that it would make a difference and they both grabbed and EMF just in case they got something to signal the soul eater was coming if they couldn't hear the whispering once they grabbed all that they needed and pot in a duffel bag, both then ran into the house. And once they ran into the house they saw two people in the living room and Sam then said to them " what the hell are you people doing hear?" The man then said back " well me and my girlfriend wanted to see a haunted house." Josh then said " you guy aren't gonna see a haunted in hear I can tell you that for sure." The girl then said " what do you mean?" Sam then said " well this house is a lot more than haunted." The girl then said back " what do you mean a lot more than haunted?" Sam then said " well long story short there no ghost in this house there something a lot worse and we need to get you two of hear before something goes really wrong in hear." The boy then said back " what the hell are you two going on about." Josh then " don't worry about us just come on your leaving hear right now." Josh and Sam then walk up to them both and grabbed them by the arm and started walking them towards the door but as they where doing that the boy said just as they where leaving the living room " wow, can you guy hear that." Then Sam and Josh along with the other two both stopped straight away and then Sam said to him " what did you just say?" The boy then said back " what did you just say." He then said to Sam and Josh " can you hear that." Sam then said " wait can you by any chance hear whispering?" The boy then said " yeah how the hell did you know that." Sam then looked over at Josh and Josh let go of the boy and ran over to the door and before he could get to it the door slammed shut BANG! He then turned around to the Sam and then Josh said " get them in the living room right now go!" Sam then grabbed both of then and ran into the living room with Josh behind them and when they all in the living room Josh slammed the door behind him and then Josh walked over to the two people and said " right what are your names." The boy then said " my name is Joey and this is my girlfriend Jemma." Josh then said " right can you still hear the whispering Joey?" Joey then said back to him " yeah I can why." Sam and Josh both looked at each other and then Sam said " he's coming." Joey then looks at Jemma and then he said " what's coming what the hell is going hear and who the hell are you guy?" Josh then walked up to Joey and Jemma and then he said " right long story my name is Josh and this is my mate Sam we are hunters and this isn't a haunted house your gonna see any ghost only a soul eater and if you can hear his whispering he coming for you." Jemma then said to them " are you guy being serious right now?" Josh then walked up to her and said " does it look like I'm joking around." Jemma then said " alright calm down." Sam then said to Josh " yeah mate come chill we've got more important things hear." Josh then said " yeah I know, now Joey is the whispering still there?" Joey then said " yeah it is." Josh then looked over at Sam and he then said " right what are we gonna do there no way we can paint this trap before he shows up." Sam then said " well on the bright side there only one way in hear." And just as Sam said suddenly the door then flung of it hinges and hit Sam knocking to the ground and letting the soul eater in and as soon and the door hit Sam to ground Josh shouted " SAM!" Josh then pulled out his gun and start shooting the soul eater BANG! BANG! All the bullets just but he knew they would do nothing but hold him of for a couple of seconds or too and once Josh ran out of bullets he said to him self " hear we go." He then walked up to his and started fighting him but every punch he threw at it did nothing but piss him of more and while Josh was fighting him Joey and Jemma where huddled up in the corner of the room, but after the soul eater had enough of Josh punch him all over the place he grabbed him by the neck and pick him up of the ground with one hand and then threw him across the room into a wall knocking him unconscious and as soon as Joey saw Josh fly across the rim he up to protect his girlfriend and he then said to the soul eater "get away from us or I swear to god." The soul eater then just walked up to Joey and then the soul eater just grabbed him with both hands and then started sucking his soul out of him just by opening his mouth and then did a bright light just cane out of Joey body and when Jemma saw that she screamed " JOEY NOOOO!." When she screamed that Sam woke up under the door and the first thing he did was posh the door off and jumped to he feet and when he did he saw Josh on the floor unconscious and the soul eater taking Joey soul so he pulled quick pulled out his gun and he then fire his clip into the soul eater and when the bullets his him he dropped Joey lifeless body on floor and as soon as it hit the ground Jemma crawl towards him and pick his head up and pot it on her leg and start crying over his body, the soul eater then started walking towards Sam, he was shouting " JUST DIE YOU BASTARD!" And when he got up to him the soul eater grabbed the gun straight out of Sam's hand and then grabbed Sam and started sucking his soul out of his body and as he started doing Josh woke up from Jemma crying and when he opened his eyes he saw he saw the soul eater taking Sam soul he then instantly got to his feet and shouted as he started running over to Sam " SAMMMMMMM!" And as he got over to the soul eater he then dropped Sam lifeless body on the floor and then turned around to Josh and looked him right in they eyes and then he disappeared leaving Josh and Jemma with two losses!

Supernatural TNG S1 E2 The House With Talking WallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora