Broken Immortal

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He hears the now familiar sounds of cars speeding by and the horns of passing trains as he wakes up to the blaring sound of his alarm. He groans as he hits snooze on the old black box, and lets out a sigh as he opens his eyes.

Another place he won't remember tomorrow.

Finn Chapman doesn't move. He is just lying in bed; blinking up at the cream colored ceiling. He didn't make a sound; only the sound of his breathing.

Maybe if he didn't do anything, he can feel at home.


However, that was never the case. No matter what he did or what he pretends it to be, nothing can feel like home.

Another second passes, and Finn decides there is no delaying in what he has to do.

He rolls out bed and walks into the hotel bathroom.

He flips the switch on and looks at himself in the large mirror.

Is this how people see me? Another dauntless figure that they worship because of who I have become? Or do they see a broken figure that does as he's told? Finn thinks.

Or do they even see you at all? says another voice that breaks through in his thoughts.

He lets out another sigh and runs a hand through his already messy hair.

For the longest time, he thought this life was what he wanted. He thought becoming a musician and traveling with his friends would be the greatest experience of his life.

And, at first, it was. Finn and his band, Blossoming Savages, had a blast touring their home country, England, last year. Then they began to tour other countries that were farther away from home.

As they moved away from home, it felt like Finn was moving farther and farther away from himself. He didn't know how these thoughts came to be, but they were there and clouded his thoughts everyday.

To Finn, this wasn't him anymore. There is no trace of the Finn that started the band with high hopes and ambitions.

He shakes himself from his thoughts. He needs to get ready for another day of survival.

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