Part Three

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"I got into UA" I say excitedly.

"Really!? That's awesome!" He says back.

"Mhm! Did you get into the school you wanted to? Or you still waiting?"

"I'm still waiting."
" It's Saturday tommorrow we should go out for some coffee." Uriel suggested.

"Mhm we should.. it's been quiet a while since we've gone out." I said.
"I'm pretty much free tommorrow. What time do you wanna go out?"

"Mmm how about we go at 10:30?" He says I hum in response.

And with that the call ended.
I continue to watch the TV... until my mum opened the door and walked in she then stops and mumbles a curse word to herself.
"Are you okay mum?" I asked slightly concerned.
"I forget to get the milk..." she said putting the bags she had in her hands on the coffee table.
"I'll go get it for you mum, I've been itching to go outside today." I said getting up. I grab the hologram and pass it to my mum.
"What's this honey?" She asks looking at it before looking at me.
"You'll see.. just put it on the table and it should turn on, anyway I'll be out now." I say going to the door and putting my shoes on. I then grab some spare money from the draw I then leave.

I left the corner shop as they were out of stock. It was ridiculous how can you run out of milk?! A sigh leaves my mouth... the only other shop that's open 24/7 is the corner shop near bakugou's... so I started to make my way to the shop.

. . .

I open the door to the shop I close the door and walk around to the cold drink section. I find some milk, I grab two bottles and I then go to the till and put the milk on. The ShopKeeper scans the milk.
"£1.12, Please" he says I pass him the two pound. He then passes me my change.  I say thank you and put the change in my pocket and then I grab the milk and head back out i was walking when I hear the door to bakugou's house opening. I look up and see Bakugou walk out. I completely freeze seeing him... He's different... like way way different... he's wearing a white hemmed T-shirt which is over lapped with a black hooded jacket. His hands were shoved in his pocket... he walks down the steps and starts to walk futher towards me... I gulp if he see's me I might end up dead... so I scurry off and find myself in a alley way. I might as well walk home this way it's better than bumping into Bakugou and being murdered... And with that I start to walk home.

Okay, so I said I would update weekly but I've had aload of work to do and I've slowly been writting this chapter... and we've finally got here...  I will get next chapter out as soon as possible thank you for reading. I hope you enjoying the story so far.

518 words

My walking grenede (Bakugou x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now