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I joined Harry on my sofa.

Wait, why was Harry here? Shouldnt he be recording, interviewing something with the boys?

"Why are you here?" Way to go, nice Rylee you sound like an angel, not. What are you the devil?

"Well ha you havent missed me? But we have alot to do tonight so i thought to skip the little things the boys dont need me today, Im here for the big dinner." He had question in his eyes.

My brain started to hurt.

How could I not notice the fancy suite he was wearing?

How could I forget, most of all, The big dinner we were having tonight.

Not Harry's and I but Daniel's and Marie's. They were gathering everyone for a huge dinner, and a "surprise" they said.

How can I forget something like that and Harry remember?

What would I have done without him?

"You forgot didnt you, well good thing Im here, if you get dressed right now and we leave we can make it. I was going to show you something but it can wait" He smiles..

Not just a smile.

One of those smiles that make your heart skip a beat and loudly thump.

Harry has different smiles for different reasonings, and this one wispeared a plan. A thought.

I hope he didnt do anything for me.

I hope it wasnt a special day or anything, I cant rememeber anything important but holidays and birthdays. The rest just doesnt stay.

I nod and tiptoe to my bedroom, then peak out and wiggle my finger for him to come here.

"Im going to take a shower, and you should pick something out for me." I grab a towel and I look at Harry for his reaction, His face reads peice of cake.

Im not a picky dresser, so I dont mind whatever he chooses.

Harrys an OK dresser, and has grown some fashion sense so I wasnt worried at all.

I stepped into the steaming hot shower letting my hair out of my messy bun and letting it soak.

I finished up shaving my legs, lathering myself with my faviorite body wash, washing my hair, i felt good as ever and my sleep is gone.

I am ready.

I get out of the hot bathroom and with nothing on but my body wraped up in a towel while I wait for the huge amount of lotion everywhere to sink in.

I quickly got dress not even caring if Harry was in the room.

Not like i care his in here because it wasnt the first time I changed in front of him.

But Im super insecure when it comes to my bare body, Harry looks stunned, I dont have time to worry about my uglyness right now.

Which really surprised him, Im guessing.

That I didnt squeal and tell him to get out or warn him "Dont make fun of me" this time.

My new medicine seems to be working.

Not that he'd ever make fun of me, because i know he wont but its hard to think good about yourself when it felt like the whole world thought you were ugly.

I quickly put on the leather red pants, black see through shirt with a squenced tanktop underneath and a black and white striped blazer and of course the gold jewlery.

I Dont Believe In Fairytales (intro)Where stories live. Discover now