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He motions for me to sit down by him. I thought about it for a minute and sat down on the other end of the bench, far away from where he was sitting.

He motions for me to sit closer to him and says, "I don't bite."

"I don't know that."

He just chuckles and scoots closer to me and since I was already at the end, there was no escape for me.


Y/n's p.o.v

I was thinking on whether I should run away from him or just stay. I was about to decide when there was a sudden burst of light from the sky. I quickly looked up at the sky and totally forgot about running away as I became mesmerized by the bright bursts of lights in the sky. I was just staring in awe at the fireworks, not even paying attention to anything else around me anymore.

"This is amazing!" I said still watching the fireworks.

"Surprise." Yoongi says, "There  was a firework show tonight and I wasn't thinking about going but then I saw you and thought you might like it so I decided to bring you."

No one's p.o.v

A silence passed over them as they continued to watch the fireworks. Y/n was so distracted that she didn't even notice that Yoongi was looking at her every few seconds.

The light from the sky would light up their faces in the dark. Y/n smiled brightly as the fireworks would explode. Yoongi just watched her and smiled to himself barely paying any attention to the fireworks anymore.

Y/n turned to Yoongi and he quickly looked up to the fireworks.

"Thank you for bringing me here Yoongi, it's really nice." Y/n said.

"No problem." Yoongi said still watching the fireworks.

Y/n smiled at him then continued to watch the fireworks. Yoongi turned to look at Y/n, enjoying the fact that she was happy.

They stayed like that until the show was over.

Y/n's p.o.v

"You were serious about wanting to get to know me better, weren't you?" I asked as we walked down the hill.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned.

"You showed me a different side of you today. I thought you were just a sarcastic person but, I was wrong. You're actually really cute and sweet." I said as I turned to face Yoongi who was facing away from me.

"Shut up." He mumbles as he walks away from me.

"What? Wait! Was it something I said?" I yelled as I chased after him.

Little did I know Yoongi who was speeding away on his small little legs was blushing like crazy.

Yoongi's p.o.v

"Aish, why is she so cute?" I thought to myself as I tried to get away from her.

"Yoongi!" She called out to me "Can we get dinner together? I'm hungry."


This chapter is short and seems like it is boring and it probably is but oh well I guess. I'll be back in about a week or longer. I need a break and I got a case of writers block.

W̶h̶o̶ ̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶Y̶o̶u̶?̶Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora