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A/N: My writing style will be changing from now on so don't mind the difference :')


"Aish, why is she so cute?" I thought to myself as I tried to get away from her.

"Yoongi!" She called out to me "Can we get dinner together? I'm hungry."


Y/n's p.o.v

After the firework show we went to a restaurant down the street to have some dinner. We finished dinner so we were just taking about random things. Yoongi was telling me how in elementary, no one would hang out with him as they found them scary. Just then, a waitress came out with a tray for another table, but on that tray, was different types of desserts. And of course it caught my attention. And that's when I totally forgot Yoongi was talking to me.

"They always sai-"

"Hey, Yoongi, can we get some dessert?" I asked excitedly, cutting him off.

He looks at me in disbelief. "How are you still hungry? You just had a big meal; And now you want dessert?"

"People need to eat to survive ya know." I replied.

"I didn't think they needed that much food." He says.

"Yoongi." I whined.

"Fine, fine." He smiles, "Order whatever you want I'll pay."

"Yay! But, you were gonna pay anyways since I never pay for my own food soooo yea." I told him.

Time skip about 20 mins later

"Thank you for the meal." We said as we walked out.

"And thank you, Yoongi for buying dinner, and dessert." I said to him and smiled.

"Sure." He says, "Ya know, you're like one of my friends Kim Seokjin."

I looked at him surprised, "Wait, you actually have friends?"

He hit my arm playfully. "Of course I do. There's three of them."

"You know your imaginary ones don't count right?" I continued.


"Okay, okay, I'm done. But me you and your friends should all hang out together soon." I laughed.

Yoongi's p.o.v

I just sighed and smiled.

A comfortable silence fell over us for a minute before Y/n said something.

"I think the only part of living in the city I hate is that I can't see the stars at night." She said looking up at the night sky.

She went on about how she wants to see the stars. I just continued to listen and nod.

"I should take her out of town for a day and then, we could have a picnic and watch the sunset and then we could watch the stars, that would nice- Aishh! What the hell am I thinking, we don't even know each other, and I've already seen the stars so why would I want to go again, there boring, they just sit there and do nothing." I thought to myself.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize we had stopped walking. 

"Yoongi-ah. Min Yoongi. Yoongi-ssi. Yah!" She said waving her hand in my face pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, are we here already?" I asked confused.

"Since about 7 minutes ago. What were you thinking about?"

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