Dance Practice

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We arrived home

"What happen to you two?" Asked Hoshi

"We just got caught in the rain." I replied

"You kids should go get dress before you catch a cold." S.coups scolded

I walked to my room and continued to get changed. I get a knock on the door.

"Hey princess did you enjoy today?"

I smiled

"Yeah I did.. it's better then anything I've ever experience."

" Thank you Vernon."

" No problem anything for my Princess."

I got closed and kissed him on the cheek.
He looks at me for a while and tilts up chin up. Putting his soft lips on mine.

"Goodnight Princess"

"Goodnight Vernon."

That night I couldn't sleep so decide to walk around the dorm as I walked past the practice room I saw him.


"Oh Blair hey."

"What are you doing so late at night?"

"Oh I'm just getting a little extra practice for our upcoming concert."

"It's in a few days right?" I asked

"Yeah I just thought I could used so more practice so I can keep up with the members."

"You practice?"

" I've seen you all dance before you're already amazing don't over work yourself."

"I can't even dance a 1-2 routine even if I tried."

"Here let me teach you something." He offered.

"follow me like this ok 1 and 2 and 3 and 1."

"Like this?" I said

He laughs

"Hey Don't laugh I told you I can't dance."

"Ok ok Sorry.. here like this."

He stand behind me and begins to position my hand... then his hand grabs on my waist. He freezes.

"Like this?" I asked as I turn my head

Now face to face with him.. I can hear his heart beat... He begins to move closer..

"Wonwoo I-"

He steps back

"I'm sorry Blair I didn't mean to I-."

"It's ok..."

" Maybe we should take a break." I said

"Yeah I think so too." I replied

We then sat down. Our shoulders touching.

"How was your meeting with your uncle yesterday?" He asked

" it was good I got to learn a lot."

" I'm meeting him again tomorrow morning."


" I want to talk to the guy who killed my parents."


" I want to know more , if it was an accident or on purpose and why."

He places his hand on mine

" Don't worry.. you're gonna get your answer."

I smiled at him , he smiles back. That night we talked... for hours , we talked just about the little things in life.. it made me realize a lot about myself and him.. I opened my eyes to see my head laying on his shoulders.. peacefully he was sleeping next to me.

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