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I definitely didn't think this would have happened, or else I would have listened to Kalee when she advised me to stay inside. Well she really didn't advice it she tried to force it, either way I forced my way out. Now as I think back on the conversation I'm ashamed of myself, I guess I got what I deserved. That doesn't make me any less pissed off about it though.

"Emma I swear to god if you bring that virus into our house I will kill you!" Kalee screamed. I could help but smile as I grabbed by bag and my phone.

"If I bring the virus into the house, it's going to kill both of us first." I contradict and I giggled but Kalee didn't find it funny.

"Emma please don't go, I really wish you would just stay in." My roommate said as she calmed down slightly. Kalee was the stubborn type when it came to getting what she wanted, but so was I.

"I'm going kalee, I'll be back before you know it." I said she rolled her eyes.

"Promise me this is the last time." She pleaded. I nodded as I walked over to her. I heard the honk of a car outside and both of us turned our attention to the window, Kalee quickly looked back at me.

"I promise Kalee, the last time. And when I get home we can just stay in and relax until this is all over." She smiled a small bit, I did feel a little bad she wanted me to stay in so badly.

"Okay, don't stay out too late."

"Besides I can't stay in tonight, who knows when the next time I get to go out is. For all we know we could be mandated into a lockdown tomorrow and then I really won't be able to break my promise." I said kalee groaned and shook her head as I pulled her into a hug.

And with that I left having no idea as to what was in store for me tomorrow.

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