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Day 1

Slowly I opened my eyes, I just stared up at the ceiling. The first thing I thought was how I didn't have a headache. Usally after a night out like last night I would wake up with a horrible headache. The kind that make your whole body feel sick and make you throw up. But I didn't feel any of that right now. I just was staring trying to think of how I got home, or remeber anything at all after 11 at night. I had bits and pieces, not anything close to the whole story just random sentences. I reached my hand over to the side of the bed trying to find my phone and ripped my hand back when I felt something. I quickly sat up and my jaw dropped. There was a man in this bed, furthermore this wasn't my bed. Now I really was confused to what happened the night before.

I smiled to myself, apparently I had more fun than I had anticipated because he was good looking. His name though, I couldn't remember. The thin blankets were pulled up over his slightly tan shoulders and his back was facing me. His hair is blonde and has curls and looked softer than I could imagine. I took the blanket off of me I was in a long shirt and my underwear. I looked on the floor and saw my bra and shoes, along with the clothes I wore out last night. I really wish I had remembered how I had gotten here, At least remember the name of the strangers bed I'm in. All of a sudden there was a banging on the bedroom door, the man in bed shot up.

"Oh fuck." He mumbled when he saw me with a shocked look on his face, he just stared. Another round of banging came but this time with a voice as well.

"Luke open the door right now and come out here, you need to see this." That was his name, Luke! All I needed to do was hear it to remember. Luke turned his attention from me over to the door. He got himself out of bed, just in his boxers and swung open the door. On the other side there was another man, much tanner, he has a blue buzz cut. The blue haired mans eyes darted to me and then back to Luke. His face looked like he was stress or worried about something.

"What could possibly be so important for you to wake me up like this at 8 am Calum." That must have been the other boys name, he rolled his eyes at Luke.

"Would you let me- us get dressed first?" Luke said as he shoved Calum out of his room and closed the door.

"Be quick." Calum shouted. The blonde haired boy slowly turned back to look at me as he walked away from the door.

"I'm sorry about him I don't know what's up." He said as he looked around his room for something. His eyes darted at the ceiling and then at me, the ground, back at the ceiling, the wall. He looked nervous, I felt out of place too.

"It's totally fine." I assured him. "It seemed important.

"I don't know if I introduced you last night when we came here, he's my roommate Calum. He can be a bit spastic at times." Luke said as he chuckled. He lifted his toned arm up and ran it through his curls.

"I wouldn't remember even if you did." I said as I smiled, this felt so akward I felt like he wanted me to leave.

"Emma right, I'm sorry if that's not-

"No it's right, don't worry."

"I just had a lot to drink, memory is kind of blurry."

"I don't remember much at all." I said luke walked over to his closet pulling out some clothes and putting them on. I took that as my queue to get my clothes on too. I took off the red shirt of his that I was wearing and I threw it on the bed. I put on my skinny jeans and my tank top. Luke turned around and walked towards me, he really was gorgeous. I had never realized how blue his eyes were.

"Well I should probably get going." I said as I looked at the ground. I picked up my purse off the ground and I went to walk towards the door. Luke just kept looking at me though.

"Here, wait! Let me give you my number. If you don't mind or if you want it." He said unconfidently. I smiled, that felt nice that he asked. I honestly thought he just wanted me gone.

"Yeah please." I said handing my phone over to him. Luke tapped his fingers along my phone and put his number into my phone.

"Here, I wouldn't mind if I called you later, right?"

"No I wouldn't mind at all." I said laughing. I could feel my smile growing and my cheeks started to heat up. Luke did seem very sweet from what I had seen from him. He didn't seem like the type of asshole you would meet at a party and sleep with drunk. After all he didn't kick me right out in the morning.

"Luke!" His roommate screamed on the top of his lungs. Luke chuckles as we start walking to guys bedroom door.

"Let me walk you outside." He offers as he opens the bedroom door that leads out to the living room. Calum is standing in front of their huge flat screen tv with a look of horrified awe in his eyes.

"Guys look!" Calum demanded, Luke ushered me to the door with an embarrassed look on his face. Calum glared at us, probably offended from being ignored by his roommate multiple times. "Where does she think she's going?" Calum asked. I was confused, why would he ask like that. Luke finally broke angrily looking over at Calum.

"Her house?" He retorted.

"For fucks sake look at the news, no one can go anywhere!" I looked up at the news and listened in. I could feel my heart drop.

Mandated lockdown stay in doors in affect immediately

     Luke slowly looked over at me, he looked slightly scared and very stressed. He looked apologetic.

"Holy shit, what do we do?" He asked under his breath as he glanced at me and Calum.

"Stay inside!" Calum said harshly. Luke smiled as he turned towards me walking close.

"Well, welcome home!" He said flashing yet another smile at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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